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117 results
  • Surgery, gynecology & obstetrics.
  • Surgery, gynecology & obstetrics.
  • Surgery, gynecology & obstetrics.
  • Surgery, gynecology & obstetrics.
  • Classical contributions to obstetrics and gynecology / [edited] by Herbert Thoms ; with a foreword by Howard A. Kelly.
  • Gynaeciorum sive de mulierum tum communibus, tum gravidarum, parientium, et puerperarum affectibus et morbis, libri Graecorum, Arabum, Latinorum veterum et recentium quotquot extant ... / editi ... opera et studio Israelis Spachii.
  • Gynaeciorum sive de mulierum tum communibus, tum gravidarum, parientium, et puerperarum affectibus et morbis, libri Graecorum, Arabum, Latinorum veterum et recentium quotquot extant ... / editi ... opera et studio Israelis Spachii.
  • Gynaeciorum sive de mulierum affectibus commentarii Graecorum, Latinorum, Barbarorum, jam olim et nunc recens editorum: in tres [i.e. quatuor] tomos digesti / [Editi per Casparum Bauhinum] Et necessariis passim imaginibus illustrati.
  • Gynaeciorum sive de mulierum affectibus commentarii Graecorum, Latinorum, Barbarorum, jam olim et nunc recens editorum: in tres [i.e. quatuor] tomos digesti / [Editi per Casparum Bauhinum] Et necessariis passim imaginibus illustrati.
  • The diseases of women with child, and in the child-bed: as also the best means of helping them in natural and unnatural labours, with fit remedies for the several indispositions of new-born babes, to which is prefix'd an exact description of the parts of generation in women / written in French by Francis Mauriceau, and translated by Hugh Chamberlen.
  • Artis medicae liber VII[-VIII] De morbis ventris / Andreae Caesalpini.
  • Four diagrams of the abnormal female uterus. Engraving by Milton, 1804.
  • Artis medicae liber VII[-VIII] De morbis ventris / Andreae Caesalpini.
  • Six diagrams of abortions at different stages. Engraving by Campbell.
  • The byrth of mankynde, newly translated out of Laten into Englysshe. : In the which is entreated of all suche thynges the which chaunce to women in theyr labor, and all suche infyrmitees whiche happen vnto the infantes after they be delyuered. And also at the latter ende o in the thyrde or last boke is entreated of the conception of mankynde, and howe manye wayes it may be letted or furtheryd, with diuers other fruytefull thynges, as doth appere in the table before the booke.
  • The byrth of mankynde, newly translated out of Laten into Englysshe. : In the which is entreated of all suche thynges the which chaunce to women in theyr labor, and all suche infyrmitees whiche happen vnto the infantes after they be delyuered. And also at the latter ende o in the thyrde or last boke is entreated of the conception of mankynde, and howe manye wayes it may be letted or furtheryd, with diuers other fruytefull thynges, as doth appere in the table before the booke.
  • The byrth of mankynde, newly translated out of Laten into Englysshe. : In the which is entreated of all suche thynges the which chaunce to women in theyr labor, and all suche infyrmitees whiche happen vnto the infantes after they be delyuered. And also at the latter ende o in the thyrde or last boke is entreated of the conception of mankynde, and howe manye wayes it may be letted or furtheryd, with diuers other fruytefull thynges, as doth appere in the table before the booke.
  • Seven diagrams of differently shaped pelvises and their measurements. Engraving by A. Bell.
  • An abnormal foetus in the womb, which is about to be naturally aborted. Engraving.
  • Six diagrams of differently shaped pelvises. Engraving by A. Bell.
  • Autobiography ... A short abstract of a long life / with a memoir by Emil Novak.
  • Eight diagrams illustrating babies in the womb and internal structures of the womb. Etching by Barlow.
  • A cross-section of a pregnant uterus containing twins. Engraving after W. Smellie after J. van Rymsdyck.
  • A diagram showing the dilation and changes in a pregnant uterus from the first to ninth month. Etching.
  • Carpi commentaria cũm amplissimis additionibus super Anatomia Mũndini vna cum textu eiusdẽm in pristinũm et verum nitorèm redacto / [Jacopo Berengario da Carpi].
  • Geschichte der gynäkologisch-anatomischen Abbildung / von Fritz Weindler.
  • Carpi commentaria cũm amplissimis additionibus super Anatomia Mũndini vna cum textu eiusdẽm in pristinũm et verum nitorèm redacto / [Jacopo Berengario da Carpi].
  • Carpi commentaria cũm amplissimis additionibus super Anatomia Mũndini vna cum textu eiusdẽm in pristinũm et verum nitorèm redacto / [Jacopo Berengario da Carpi].
  • Carpi commentaria cũm amplissimis additionibus super Anatomia Mũndini vna cum textu eiusdẽm in pristinũm et verum nitorèm redacto / [Jacopo Berengario da Carpi].
  • Carpi commentaria cũm amplissimis additionibus super Anatomia Mũndini vna cum textu eiusdẽm in pristinũm et verum nitorèm redacto / [Jacopo Berengario da Carpi].