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127 results
  • Grapes (Vitis cultivars): three bunches of fruit. Coloured aquatint, c. 1839.
  • Shopkeeper weighing grapes
  • People harvesting grapes. Etching by C. Nanteuil.
  • Grape vine (Vitis vinifera L.) with black grapes. Coloured lithograph after J. Polydore.
  • Two naked children picking grapes. Lithograph by Piecq, c. 1845, after Gosse.
  • Two naked children pressing grapes. Lithograph by Piecq, c. 1845, after Gosse.
  • An innkeeper composed of wine bottles and grapes. Engraving, c. 1660 (?).
  • A woman with a donkey whose panniers are full of grapes. Coloured etching.
  • Two of Moses' spies bring back grapes from the land of Eshcol. Wood engraving.
  • Two men treading grapes. Lithograph by J.B. Légé, 1830, after G. de Galard.
  • A seated and a reclining boy clutching grapes before a brazier. Red chalk drawing.
  • Baden-Baden, Germany: waiters in a grape-cure establishment standing next to a buffet with plates of grapes. Photographic postcard, ca. 1930.
  • The vintage: a man wheeling a barrel past a woman and children carrying grapes. Coloured engraving.
  • Still life of fruits, including gourds, cucumbers, figs and grapes. Engraving by J-B Haussard after Boisseau.
  • A birds eating grapes from vines entwined around a bamboo plant. Colour woodcut by K. Egawa after Ryuryukyo Shinsai.
  • Erigone, ensnared by Dionysus, reaching for grapes on a vine. Lithograph by B.-R. Julien, 1835, after L. Poyet.
  • Bacchus reclines while a satyr fills his bowl and Pan adorns his head with grapes. Etching after J. Ribera.
  • A pastoral scene with women picking grapes and a man on an ox-cart. Etching by H. Lepind after E. Debat-Ponsan, 1886.
  • Bacchus on a chariot preceded by a drunken procession of nude men, women and satyrs all carrying grapes. Engraving, 16--, after G. Romano.
  • Bacchus on a chariot preceded by a drunken procession of nude men, women and satyrs all carrying grapes. Engraving, 16--, after G. Romano.
  • Bacchus on a chariot preceded by a drunken procession of nude men, women and satyrs all carrying grapes. Engraving, 16--, after G. Romano.
  • Diana returning from the chase bearing dead birds meets Pan holding grapes and other fruit. Engraving by S. à Bolswert after P.P. Rubens.
  • An allegorical female is sitting in a chariot drawn by two lions, she is holding a bunch of grapes and a cornucopia; representing plenty. Coloured etching.
  • Silenus, holding grapes and crowned with vines, flanked by a maenad and a faun. Engraving by C. Faucci, c. 1768, after G. B. Cipriani after P. Rubens.
  • Pan, carrying a basket of grapes, preceded by a woman riding a goat, both followed by a young satyr feeding another goat. Etching after S. Della Bella.
  • A pastoral scene showing the picking, treading and transporting of grapes in an ox-cart; representing autumn. Engraving by R. S., 16th century, after F.G. Bassano.
  • A monkey is surrounded by wild animals in a luxurious environment and presented with crown and scepter by a fox when he shins down his throne to grab some grapes. Etching by J. E. Ridinger.
  • Tradescantia 'Concorde Grape'
  • Tradescantia 'Concorde Grape'
  • A naked man wearing grains in his hair is holding a bowl with grapes in his left and an empty sack in his right, he is surrounded by a money-filled cave and two vessels; representing the month July. Engraving.