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280 results
  • Chinese Materia Dietetica, Ming: Grain-jar water
  • Peony pollen grain
  • Single grain of sand, SEM
  • Blue anemone flower pollen grain, SEM
  • Pollen grain on buttercup anther, SEM
  • Pollen grain, common morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea)
  • English grown quinoa : mother Earth grain.
  • English grown quinoa : mother Earth grain.
  • English grown quinoa : mother Earth grain.
  • English grown quinoa : mother Earth grain.
  • English grown quinoa : mother Earth grain.
  • English grown quinoa : mother Earth grain.
  • English grown quinoa : mother Earth grain.
  • Ergot growing on the grain of Rye.
  • Diatoms hidden inside a grain of sand, SEM
  • Pollen grain on buttercup anther, 3D SEM
  • Multi-grain crackers : 170 g. / Fairway GB Ltd.
  • Multi-grain crackers : 170 g. / Fairway GB Ltd.
  • Multi-grain crackers : 170 g. / Fairway GB Ltd.
  • Multi-grain crackers : 170 g. / Fairway GB Ltd.
  • Plaques of the Sumerian grain goddess Ninsaba, circa 2000BC
  • Chicago, Illinois: a grain elevator on the Chicago River. Photograph, ca. 1880.
  • Delhi: a woman grinding grain into flour. Watercolour by an Indian painter.
  • Women grinding and sieving grain into flour. Watercolour by an Indian artist.
  • The 1904 World's Fair, St. Louis, Missouri: a Minnesota grain display. Photograph, 1904.
  • Two pictures: two women pounding grain and African people brewing pombe. Lithograph with tint plate.
  • African people brewing pombe beside a pile of sorghum grain. Wood engraving by J. B. Zwecker.
  • D.C.L yeast and malt extract : calendar for 1936 : reaping the golden grain.
  • Tuna & cheddar cheese with spring onion & chinese leaf soft grain bread sandwiches / Boots Company PLC.
  • A miller pours grain into a mill from a sack brought by a donkey. Woodcut by J. Amman.