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29 results
  • Helmeted bronze figurine, Bronze Age.
  • Bronze Man acupuncture figurine, side view, Chinese woodcut
  • Bronze Man acupuncture figurine, side view, Chinese woodcut
  • Bronze Man acupuncture figurine, back view, Chinese woodcut
  • Bronze Man acupuncture figurine, back view, Chinese woodcut
  • Bronze Man acupuncture figurine, front view, Chinese woodcut
  • Bronze Man acupuncture figurine, front view, Chinese woodcut
  • Female figurine with halo, probably amuletic, bronze, South American Indian
  • A hunting trophy showing hounds topped with a fox figurine. Engraving.
  • Amuletic stone figurines to ensure fertility, Bolivia.
  • Ancient Canaanite Teraphim. Figurines of fertility goddess.
  • Amuletic stone figurines to ensure fertility, Bolivia.
  • Amuletic stone figurines to ensure fertility, Bolivia.
  • Amuletic stone figurines to ensure fertility, Bolivia.
  • Female figurines in bronze, worn to prevent disease, Peru
  • Female figurines in bronze, worn to prevent disease, Peru
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: figurines in the Hall of Primitive Medicine. Photograph, 1913 (?).
  • Hittite and Egyptian types of Astarte plaques and figurines deposited in Palestinian houses to ensure health and prosperity.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: a display of figurines and fetishes. Photograph from a negative of 1913.
  • Wellington and Peel compared with the Siamese twins (above); a rich bishop and a poor parson; and a street vendor of figurines. Etching by W. Heath, 1830.
  • Mexico: (above) a bust of an Aztec priestess or divinity, belonging to Mr. Dupé in Mexico; (below) an Aztec statuette of basalt deposited by Humboldt in Berlin. Coloured aquatint by G. Gallina ca. 1820.
  • [Cutting from the Lancet for 6 August 1927 showing an "Ancient Roman statuette exemplifying a case of achondroplastic deformity"].
  • Two monkeys sitting on a pineapple in a fruit bowl are attentively watching a wasp on the fruit stalk. Steel engraving by T. Landseer after E. H. Landseer.
  • Mexican pottery figure representing Ocelot, Toltec period
  • Carved wooden figure: Woman with child
  • Carved wooden figure of woman with child
  • Anatomical drawing: the lungs and heart nexus, Chinese MS
  • Ghana: a child holding an Akuaba doll. Photograph by H.V. Meyerowitz, 19--.
  • Roumanian bodily ornamentation