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828 results
  • Father Giovanni Loene Dehon, founder of the Holy Fathers of the Sacred Heart. Photogravure, 1930.
  • A man in a blue shirt holding a baby on his knee representing a warning to potential fathers to take the AIDS test by the New York State Health Department. Colour lithograph.
  • A black man in a blue jumper and red shirt holding a baby on his knee representing a warning to potential fathers to take the AIDS test by the New York State Health Department. Colour lithograph.
  • Father with his premature baby
  • A Church Father. Wax relief.
  • (Left) Prince Siddhattha (Bodhisatta) asks his father
  • A father holding his swaddled new born baby.
  • Advert for Borwick's Baking Powder showing Father Christmas carrying a large Christmas pudding on a tray. The head of Father Christmas is movable
  • Advert for Borwick's Baking Powder showing Father Christmas carrying a large Christmas pudding on a tray. The head of Father Christmas is movable
  • The execution of Father Garnet by hanging. Wood engraving.
  • Charles M. Wilson with father and sister, 1920s
  • Tobias anointing his father Tobit's eyes. Black chalk drawing.
  • Father of the Church, Origen. Engraving by J. Sadeler.
  • Fred Barnes and his father playing cards. Photographic postcard, 19--.
  • Fred Barnes and his father playing cards. Photographic postcard, 19--.
  • Father Claude Bernard: portrait and episodes in his life. Engraving.
  • Portrait of Henry Mills Grace, father of William Gilbert Grace
  • M0000802: God the Father and Saint Sebastian with Saint Roch
  • M0000802: God the Father and Saint Sebastian with Saint Roch
  • M0000802: God the Father and Saint Sebastian with Saint Roch
  • M0000802: God the Father and Saint Sebastian with Saint Roch
  • Mary (Molly) Blandy, before her execution for poisoning her father. Etching, 1752.
  • The evil sciences of the Jesuit doctor Father Peters in London. Etching.
  • Joseph  Xavier Tissot, in religion Father Hilarion. Lithograph by A. Lalauze [?].
  • Pero breastfeeding her father Cimon to assuage his hunger. Etching by Francesco Cozza.
  • The circumcision of Christ in the Temple. Etching by Father K. Felner, 1779, after C. Dietrich.
  • The circumcision of Christ in the Temple. Etching by Father K. Felner, 1779, after C. Dietrich.
  • A red potato-head, representing the artist's father. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1967.
  • A red potato-head, representing the artist's father. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1967.
  • John Hunter, father of William and John Hunter. Oil painting by James Hunter.