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17 results
  • Freeze-fracture of muscle
  • SEM adipose tissue lobule, freeze fracture
  • SEM full thickness of skin, freeze fracture
  • Yeast cell plasma membrane, Freeze fracture and etching TEM
  • Yeast cells plasma membrane, Freeze fracture and etching TEM
  • Kidney - proximal convoluted tubule
  • Kidney - proximal convoluted tubule
  • Synapse showing neurotransmitter vesicles
  • Enzyme complexes on mitochondrial cristae
  • Enzyme complexes on mitochondrial cristae
  • Blood vessel in a melanoma, SEM
  • Blood vessel in a melanoma, SEM
  • An isolated mitochondrion fractured to reveal the internal structure. The internal membranes
  • An isolated mitochondrion fractured to reveal the internal structure. The internal membranes
  • Mitochondrion (blue) surrounded by cytoplasm
  • Three mitochondria surrounded by cytoplasm
  • Mitochondrion (blue) surrounded by cytoplasm