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30 results
  • Forebrain asymmetry in zebrafish
  • Glutamatergic neurons in the zebrafish forebrain
  • Glutamatergic neurons in the zebrafish forebrain
  • Dorsal view of the forebrain of a wild-type zebrafish embryo
  • Dopaminergic neurons in the zebrafish forebrain. Confocal micrograph of a 4 day old transgenic zebrafish embryo viewed from a lateral aspect. Neurons in the olfactory bulb, telencepahlon, ventral diencephalon, pretectum and hypothalamus are labelled in green. Axonal tracts are shown in cyan and neuropil in magenta. In order to show the anatomy of the brain better the skin and eyes of the embryo have been removed post-fixation.
  • Zebrafish eye development
  • Zebrafish eye development
  • Zebrafish eye development
  • Zebrafish eye development
  • Zebrafish eye development
  • Zebrafish eye development
  • GABAergic neurons in the Zebrafish
  • Catecholaminergic neurons in the brain
  • Mouse mutant for the nodal & HNF3beta genes
  • Zebrafish eye development
  • Zebrafish eye development
  • Zebrafish eye development
  • Zebrafish embryos
  • Expression of the sonic hedgehog gene
  • GABAergic and Glutamatergic neurons in the zebrafish brain
  • Expression of sonic hedgehog and FGF8
  • Mouse embryo head viewed from the front
  • GABAergic and Glutamatergic neurons in the zebrafish brain
  • Lateral view of a zebrafish embryo
  • Reduced oxygen affects human organs, conceptual artwork
  • Reduced oxygen affects human organs, conceptual artwork
  • Reduced oxygen affects human organs, conceptual artwork
  • Reduced oxygen affects human organs, conceptual artwork
  • Pyramidal neurons
  • Computer simulated pyramidal neurons