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361 results
  • Dialogus creaturarum / [Nicolaus].
  • Dialogus creaturarum / [Nicolaus].
  • Cosmopolite ou nouvelle lumiere chimyque ... Avec un dialogue du mercure, etc / [Anon].
  • Cosmopolite ou nouvelle lumiere chimyque ... Avec un dialogue du mercure, etc / [Anon].
  • Two men in the presence of death hold a dialogue with God. Etching by John Lightbody.
  • Plain answers to plain questions, in a dialogue between John Bull and Bonaparte : met half-seas over between Dover and Calais.
  • A letter to a physician concerning acid and alkali. Being an answer to a late piece, intituled, A dialogue between alkali and acid ... / By a gentleman.
  • The young gentleman and lady's philosophy, in a continued survey of the works of nature and art ; by way of dialogue / [Benjamin Martin].
  • The young gentleman and lady's philosophy, in a continued survey of the works of nature and art ; by way of dialogue / [Benjamin Martin].
  • Silhouetted purple figures joining hands against an orange background bearing the words 'SIDA construisons, Le dialogue' representing an advertisement for World AIDS Day, 1st December 1994 by the World Health Organization and UNESCO. Colour lithograph.
  • Two hands on top of each other within a blue triangle with a computer screen and telephone and details of the AIDS information services: Minitel Dialogue, Numero Vert and the SIDA Info-Service; advertisement by AIDES. Colour lithograph.
  • Two hands on top of each other within a blue triangle with a letter, envelope and pen and details of AIDS information services for the deaf: Minitel Dialogue Paris and AIDES "Groupes Sourds"; advertisement by AIDES. Colour lithograph.
  • A dialogue between alkali and acid: containing divers philosophical and medicinal considerations wherein ... a late ... new hypothesis asserting alkali the cause, and acid the cure of all diseases, is proved groundless and dangerous ... Being a specimen of the ... mistakes and great ignorance of ... John Colbatch / by T.E. chirurgo-medicus.
  • L'ordre et regime qu'on doit garder et tenir en la cure des fièvres: avec ung chapitre singulier contenant les causes & remedes des fievres pestilentielles. Plus, ung dialogue contenant les causes, jugemens, couleurs et hypostases des urines, lesquelles adviennent le plus souvent a ceus qui ont la fièvre. / Compose par M. Sebastien Colin medecin a Fontenay le Comte en Poitou.
  • L'ordre et regime qu'on doit garder et tenir en la cure des fièvres: avec ung chapitre singulier contenant les causes & remedes des fievres pestilentielles. Plus, ung dialogue contenant les causes, jugemens, couleurs et hypostases des urines, lesquelles adviennent le plus souvent a ceus qui ont la fièvre. / Compose par M. Sebastien Colin medecin a Fontenay le Comte en Poitou.
  • Bulleins bulwarke of defence againste all sicknes, sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily assaulte mankinde, whiche bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the gardiner, Health the phisician, with their Chyrurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors (Here after insueth a little dialogue, betwene twoo men, the one called Sorenes, and the other Chyrurgj: concerning apostumacions, etc.--The booke of compoundes--The booke of the use of sicke men, and medicens) / [William Bullein].
  • Bulleins bulwarke of defence againste all sicknes, sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily assaulte mankinde, whiche bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the gardiner, Health the phisician, with their Chyrurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors (Here after insueth a little dialogue, betwene twoo men, the one called Sorenes, and the other Chyrurgj: concerning apostumacions, etc.--The booke of compoundes--The booke of the use of sicke men, and medicens) / [William Bullein].
  • Bulleins bulwarke of defence againste all sicknes, sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily assaulte mankinde, whiche bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the gardiner, Health the phisician, with their Chyrurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors (Here after insueth a little dialogue, betwene twoo men, the one called Sorenes, and the other Chyrurgj: concerning apostumacions, etc.--The booke of compoundes--The booke of the use of sicke men, and medicens) / [William Bullein].
  • Bulleins bulwarke of defence againste all sicknes, sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily assaulte mankinde, whiche bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the gardiner, Health the phisician, with their Chyrurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors (Here after insueth a little dialogue, betwene twoo men, the one called Sorenes, and the other Chyrurgj: concerning apostumacions, etc.--The booke of compoundes--The booke of the use of sicke men, and medicens) / [William Bullein].
  • Bulleins bulwarke of defence againste all sicknes, sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily assaulte mankinde, whiche bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the gardiner, Health the phisician, with their Chyrurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors (Here after insueth a little dialogue, betwene twoo men, the one called Sorenes, and the other Chyrurgj: concerning apostumacions, etc.--The booke of compoundes--The booke of the use of sicke men, and medicens) / [William Bullein].
  • An easy and exact method of curing the veneral disease, in all its different appearances ... And likewise a method of curing the scurvy, gleets, whites, etc. ... with an account of its nature, causes, and symptoms: demonstrated by way of dialogue between physician and patient, for the use and instruction of all unfortunate persons who may labour under that disorder ... / [John Profily].
  • Traitez nouveaux et curieux du café, du thé et du chocolate. Ouvrage également necessaire aux medecins, & à tous ceux qui aiment leur santé / par Philippe Sylvestre Dufour.
  • Traitez nouveaux et curieux du café, du thé et du chocolate. Ouvrage également necessaire aux medecins, & à tous ceux qui aiment leur santé / par Philippe Sylvestre Dufour.
  • Traitez nouveaux et curieux du café, du thé et du chocolate. Ouvrage également necessaire aux medecins, & à tous ceux qui aiment leur santé / par Philippe Sylvestre Dufour.
  • Traitez nouveaux et curieux du café, du thé et du chocolate. Ouvrage également necessaire aux medecins, & à tous ceux qui aiment leur santé / par Philippe Sylvestre Dufour.
  • On the Medical Profession.
  • Chinese drugs personified: Lithograph, 1935
  • Aristotle and Ptolemy discuss with Copernicus their respective views on the movements of the Sun and the Earth. Engraving, 1663, after S. Della Bella, 1632.
  • Dancing spectres (centre), a man and a woman arguing (left), and two women arguing over a man (right). Coloured etching.
  • William Battier and two officers of the Tenth Hussars having their heads examined by six phrenological practitioners. Coloured etching by L. Marks, 1824.