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298 results
  • Indian agriculture and crops. Gouache drawing.
  • Indian agriculture: drawing water for crops. Gouache drawing.
  • Saints who, though noble, were condemned to work in mines, dig the fields, cut the crops, act as herders, or look after camels. Woodcut.
  • A woman advises a man who coughs as he tends his crops to get a tuberculosis check up: the National Leprosy and TB Programme in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, ca. 2000.
  • Buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) sitting on a purple flower. Bees are important pollinators and play a crucial role in promoting the growth of crops and flowers. The aposematic yellow and black banding pattern on the bee acts as a warning to deter predators.
  • Nepal; agriculture in the Khumbu, 1986. Pangboche (altitude 4200 metres), showing the tiny, walled terraced fields on which Sherpas cultivate their staple crops (potatoes, barley, wheat). Potatoes are rarely grown beyond 4000 metres but barley is grown at higher altitudes. Scattered juniper and birch trees share this terrain with sub-alpine grasses. Few people live permanently beyond this village amid the last scattered trees below the treeline.
  • Lathyrus vernus (L.)Bernh. Papilionaceae previously Orobus vernus L. (Linnaeus, 1753) Spring vetchling. Distribution: Europe to Siberia. The seeds of several Lathyrus species are toxic, and when eaten cause a condition called lathyrism. The chemical diaminoproprionic acid in the seeds causes paralysis, spinal cord damage, aortic aneurysm, due to poisoning of mitochondria causing cell death. Occurs where food crops are contaminated by Lathyrus plants or where it is eaten as a 'famine food' when no other food is available. It is the Orobus sylvaticus purpureus vernus of Bauhin (1671) and Orobus sylvaticus angustifolius of Parkinson (1640) - who records that country folk had no uses for it. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Lathyrus vernus (L.)Bernh. Papilionaceae previously Orobus vernus L. (Linnaeus, 1753) Spring vetchling. Distribution: Europe to Siberia. The seeds of several Lathyrus species are toxic, and when eaten cause a condition called lathyrism. The chemical diaminoproprionic acid in the seeds causes paralysis, spinal cord damage, aortic aneurysm, due to poisoning of mitochondria causing cell death. Occurs where food crops are contaminated by Lathyrus plants or where it is eaten as a 'famine food' when no other food is available. It is the Orobus sylvaticus purpureus vernus of Bauhin (1671) and Orobus sylvaticus angustifolius of Parkinson (1640) - who records that country folk had no uses for it. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Aedes aegypti mosquito crop
  • Two men threshing a crop with long-handled flails. Woodcut.
  • A wine-grower squirts sulphur on his crop. Pen and ink drawing by G. Ri.
  • To W. B. Moss & Sons : ham and bacon curers : our speciality: first crop teas.
  • Workers harvesting the crop on a coffee plantation. Coloured lithograph by Deroi, c. 1850, after J. M. Rugendas.
  • A farmer and his wife contemplating their full-grown crop in a field ready for harvest. Colour lithograph, 18--.
  • J. Cropper, A phenomenal abundance of parasi
  • To W. B. Moss & Sons : ham and bacon curers : our speciality: first crop teas... china & hardware factors.
  • To W. B. Moss & Sons : ham and bacon curers : our speciality: first crop teas... china & hardware factors.
  • A group of men are sitting at a table eating and drinking, one raises a riding crop in salute, another a glass. Etching.
  • Burma: members of the royal family accompanied by courtiers and drummers drive oxen through a rice paddy to inaugurate the annual crop. Gouache painting.
  • A girl wearing a straw hat and carrying a riding crop is seated on the back of a horse and two boys assist her. Coloured lithograph.
  • A women sits dejectedly on the end of the bed as one man threatens to hit the other with a riding crop. Etching after George Cruikshank.
  • Portrait of George Field (1777-1854), by Lucas after Rothwell - sheet after accidental cropping
  • Yorkshire: four cloth-dressers (croppers) smoothing a sheet of wool. Coloured aquatint by R.& D. Havell, 1813, after G. Walker.
  • A burly terrier with cropped ears sitting on a ramskin, beside a butcher's block. Etching after E.H. Landseer, ca. 1829 (?).
  • Nepal; agriculture in the Khumbu, 1986. Growing potatoes at Phortse (altitude 4000 metres). At this altitude, in breathtaking but inhospitable terrain, potatoes are the principle crop of the Sherpas. Phortse is one of the highest permanent village settlements on the journey to Sagarmatha (Mount Everest).
  • A battle-scarred terrier with cropped ears is sitting on the doorstep of a butcher's shop. Steel engraving by H. Beckwith after E. H. Landseer.
  • Nepal; agriculture and subsistence in the Khumbu, 1986. Farmland on the lower slopes of the Himalayas (altitude 2900 metres). In the late 1980s, food grains contributed 76% of total crop production but production of milk, meat and fruit had not reached a point where nutritionally balanced food was available to most people. Staples (potatoes, barley, wheat) were occasionally augmented by green vegetables in the monsoon season (June-October), yak cheese and milk which was not consumed in large quantities, and fruit which was rare and expensive.
  • Nepal; Kathmandu Valley, 1986. The Kathmandu Valley is situated in Nepal's Hill Region ('Pahar' in Nepali - altitutides 1000-4000 metres), and is the country's most fertile and urbanised area as well as being its political and cultural centre. The hills, sculpted into a vast complex of terraces, are extensively cultivated. Hill farmers produced food staples, mostly rice and corn, although this is still a food-deficit area. Other crops include wheat, millet, barley, sugarcane, tobacco, potatoes and oilseed. The climate is mild with summer temperatures reaching 30 degrees C and winter temperatures about 10 degrees C. The most common trees are oak, alder, jacaranda and rhododendron.
  • Trachymyrmex septentrionalis is the northernmost fungus growing ant, and is abundant in pine flat forests throughout the Eastern USA, ranging as far north as Long Island, New York. In this symbiosis, T. septentrionalis ants collect plant material and insect feces, which they feed to a specific "cultivar" fungus that they farm in underground gardens. Once the fungus has digested this food, it forms nutrient-rich swellings that the ants feed upon. The ants also protect their cultivar fungus from disease using antibiotic-producing Pseudonocardia bacteria that reside on the ants' proplueral plates (i.e., "chest"). The ants therefore both farm the cultivar fungus as their food source and protect it by "crop spraying" antibiotics produced by their symbiotic Pseudonocardia bacteria.
  • Trachymyrmex septentrionalis is the northernmost fungus growing ant, and is abundant in pine flat forests throughout the Eastern USA, ranging as far north as Long Island, New York. In this symbiosis, T. septentrionalis ants collect plant material and insect feces, which they feed to a specific "cultivar" fungus that they farm in underground gardens. Once the fungus has digested this food, it forms nutrient-rich swellings that the ants feed upon. The ants also protect their cultivar fungus from disease using antibiotic-producing Pseudonocardia bacteria that reside on the ants' proplueral plates (i.e., "chest"). The ants therefore both farm the cultivar fungus as their food source and protect it by "crop spraying" antibiotics produced by their symbiotic Pseudonocardia bacteria.