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58 results
  • The dance of death: the courtship. Coloured aquatint after T. Rowlandson, 1816.
  • The sexual life of savages in north-western Melanesia : an ethnographic account of courtship, marriage and family life among the natives of Trobriand Islands, British New Guinea / by Bronislaw Malinowski ; complete in one volume ; with a preface by Havelock Ellis.
  • The sexual life of savages in north-western Melanesia : an ethnographic account of courtship, marriage and family life among the natives of Trobriand Islands, British New Guinea / by Bronislaw Malinowski ; complete in one volume ; with a preface by Havelock Ellis.
  • A young man has discarded his hat on the grass and is gazing imploringly up into the face of a young woman. Engraving.
  • A woman sits at a table with a man leaning on the back of her chair. Etching, 17--.
  • A woman is listening to her lover who is down on one knee. Process print after L.M. Bonnet after J.B. Huet (?).
  • A young man courting a young woman is introduced to her family. Engraving by E. Smith after T. Stothard.
  • A young woman reclines on a chaise-longue while a young man pays court to her: a fat round figure watches from the other side of the room. Line process print after R. Boix.
  • A young couple are on a couch and she is holding the broken fan away from her lover. Process print after J.B. Huet (?}).
  • A young  man who has been serenading a young woman with a guitar below her window falls into a water butt when the cover breaks; she comes to the window, drawn by the commotion. Aquatint., 18--.
  • A female scorpion being led into a burrow by her mate. Reproduction of a photograph by P. H. Fabre.
  • A young couple face one another during a dance watched with interest by another woman in the background. Etching and aquatint by G. Hunt after M. Egerton, 1825.
  • A young man working in a watermill holds a large flat basket of bran and gazes adoringly at a young woman as she measures out bran into a drum. Lithograph after Jules David.
  • Tom Jones and Sophia Western are seated together on a sofa as Squire Western enters the room with a riding whip. Stipple engraving by Peter Simon after J. Downman.
  • A prim older woman looks disapprovingly as a young couple walk off together arm in arm. Engraving by J. Brain after J.J. Jenkins.
  • A young man sits on a bench in a Bavarian street playing the zither as he watches a young woman walk past. Etching by Hubert Herkomer.
  • A man woos a woman in a garden; representing the sanguine temperament. Engraving by R. Sadeler after M. de Vos.
  • A man woos a woman in a garden; representing the sanguine temperament. Engraving by after M. de Vos.
  • A couple with exaggerated features face one another. Etching.
  • Ratudhvaja courting Madalasa with the help of a female chaperone. Chromolithograph by R. Varma.
  • The three ages of man: a couple embrace, children play with hoops and toys, and an old couple eat at a table. Engraving by P. Fürst, 1652.
  • An attractive woman courting a strange looking man; suggesting that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Coloured lithograph, 1833.
  • The captain's bulletin, in reply to scribblers and meddlers : "Rule a wife and have a wife."
  • The captain's bulletin, in reply to scribblers and meddlers : "Rule a wife and have a wife."
  • Love, hand drawn illustration
  • Love, hand drawn illustration
  • A dog looks on as a man and a woman smell a flower; representing the sense of smell. Engraving.
  • A young doctor vows his love to a thoughtful young woman. Coloured photolithograph.
  • Mr. Lambkin walking down a street on his way to court a lady, unknown to him a placard has been stuck on to his back declaring his intentions to all. Lithograph by G. Cruikshank.
  • A small boy dressed as a sailor has come ashore and is giving a small girl a posy of flowers. Aquatint.