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307 results
  • Conversion of Simon the Sorcerer. Aquatint by J. Stewart after Raphael.
  • Saint Paul: his conversion. Etching by C. Schut.
  • The conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle. Woodcut.
  • The conversion of Saint Paul. Engraving by G. Huret after himself.
  • The conversion of Saint Paul. Etching by L. de la Hyre.
  • The conversion of Saint Paul. Engraving by L. Gruner, 1864, after N. Consoni after Raphael.
  • The conversion of Hermogenes the sorcerer. Chromolithograph by Storch and Kramer after C. Mariannecci after A. Mantegna.
  • "The druids; or the conversion of the Britons to Christianity". Etching by A. Walker, 1758, after F. Hayman.
  • "The druids; or the conversion of the Britons to Christianity". Engraving by S.F. Ravenet, 1752, after F. Hayman.
  • Speaking or conversation tube
  • 'A midnight modern conversation', after William Hogarth.
  • Two men seated in conversation. Gouache painting.
  • "The Gay Sparks" in conversation. Photographic postcard, 1929.
  • "The Gay Sparks" in conversation. Photographic postcard, 1929.
  • Two agricultural workers conversing. Woodcut by J. Amman.
  • The monk Phra Malai and the god Indra conversing
  • Two men in drag sitting in conversation. Photograph, 1855/1860.
  • Two men in drag sitting in conversation. Photograph, 1855/1860.
  • A young homoeopathic doctor converses with his patient. Coloured photolithograph.
  • A gouty invalid conversing with a a young man. Coloured etching.
  • A gouty invalid conversing with a a young man. Coloured etching.
  • A gouty invalid conversing with a a young man. Coloured etching.
  • Foster and Ninon in character, having a conversation. Photographic postcard, 192- (?).
  • Foster and Ninon in character, having a conversation. Photographic postcard, 192- (?).
  • Four conversations in which one speaker annoys the other. Coloured etching, 1800.
  • Four conversations in which one speaker annoys the other. Coloured etching, 1800.
  • A large country doctor conversing with a slim well-groomed city doctor. Etching.
  • Four groups of figures in conversation. Coloured etching after G.M. Woodward, ca. 1800.
  • Four groups of figures in conversation. Coloured etching after G.M. Woodward, ca. 1800.
  • Two friends conversing about a recent operation for strabismus. Lithograph by H. Daumier, 1841.