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180 results
  • Cigarettes Antiasthmatiques Daturol: product label. Colour lithograph.
  • Liberal value : 2 more cigarettes for your 6d. ... 'Plus Two' cigarettes, 12 for 6d.
  • Three actors, one in drag, pose lighting cigarettes.
  • Three actors, one in drag, pose lighting cigarettes.
  • Nine rectangles containing a diminishing number of cigarettes, the last rectangle having none; representing gradual cessation from smoking cigarettes. Colour lithograph after I.M. Maĭstrovskiĭ, 1983.
  • Player's Navy Cut cigarettes : "medium" / John Player & Sons.
  • Player's Navy Cut cigarettes : "medium" / John Player & Sons.
  • Two boys posing with cigarettes. Photographic postcard by A. Caggiano, 190-.
  • Two boys posing with cigarettes. Photographic postcard by A. Caggiano, 190-.
  • A doctor, an ice-skater and two trapeze artists advocate the use of Piccadilly Juniors cigarettes. Process print, 1939.
  • A man smoking, with silver coins representing the expense of buying cigarettes. Colour lithograph after Reginald Mount, October 1965.
  • A young woman smoking, with silver coins representing the expense of buying cigarettes. Colour lithograph after Reginald Mount, October 1965.
  • A sailor and a soldier face to face lighting each other's cigarettes. Colour process print after C.T. Howard, 191-.
  • A sailor and a soldier face to face lighting each other's cigarettes. Colour process print after C.T. Howard, 191-.
  • A block of flats which turns into a packet of cigarettes, surrounded by factories with smoking chimneys; representing the pollutant effects of cigarette smoking. Colour lithograph after I.V. Tomash, 1988.
  • A man throws a bottle of  medicine out of the window and instead smokes Massary cigarettes to calm his nerves. Process print after Leonhard Fries.
  • A defeated Russian general selling cut price cigarettes to a bemused Japanese soldier; a Russian sailor smokes on the right. Colour woodcut by Hōsai, 1904.
  • [1934 cigarette card (no.25 in a series of 50 : Believe it or not) featuring Tom Thumb, who had kissed 1,500,00 women in 3 years. From Carreras high class cigarettes (Arcadia Works, London)].
  • [1934 cigarette card (no.25 in a series of 50 : Believe it or not) featuring Tom Thumb, who had kissed 1,500,00 women in 3 years. From Carreras high class cigarettes (Arcadia Works, London)].
  • A French hospital for wounded soldiers, World War I: charitable ladies visiting hospital patients with gifts of cigarettes and cakes. Coloured lithograph after L. Ibels, 1916.
  • A girl setting off on a walk along a country road, leaving behind cigarette butts, cigarettes and smoke-rings; representing the smoke-free status of a group of school students. Colour lithograph for Stivoro (Stichting Volksgezondheid en Roken), ca. 2000.
  • A couple kiss next to a tray of stubbed out cigarettes and half torn condom packets and lubricant within a grid-like composition; advertising the danger of AIDS. Colour lithograph by Nazario, 1994.
  • Getting off cigarettes on your own is hard : you're up to four times more likely to quit if you get NHS support : there are lots of free ways we can help / NHS Smokefree.
  • Getting off cigarettes on your own is hard : you're up to four times more likely to quit if you get NHS support : there are lots of free ways we can help / NHS Smokefree.
  • A couple kiss next to a tray of stubbed out cigarettes and half torn condom packets and lubricant within a grid-like composition; one of a series of anti-AIDS posters produced by Artis entitled 'Imágenes contra el SIDA' [Images against AIDS]. Colour lithograph by Nazario, 1994.
  • Abbé Breuil, smoking a cigarette. Photograph.
  • A skeleton (representing Death), smoking a cigarette and offering a cigarette from a pack; implying that smoking causes death. Screen print (?), 19--.
  • A skeleton (representing Death), smoking a cigarette and offering a cigarette from a pack; implying that smoking causes death. Screen print (?), 19--.
  • Malcolm Scott, smoking a cigarette. Photographic postcard by J.G. Capstaff, 191-.
  • Malcolm Scott, smoking a cigarette. Photographic postcard by J.G. Capstaff, 191-.