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9 results
  • Stop censorship of safer sex / NUS National Union of Students, Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Campaign, Outrage!.
  • A statue of Germania whose prominent breasts have been removed in accordance with the "Lex Heinze" law on censorship. Drawing, ca. 1923.
  • British official War Office photo, crown copyright reserved, BH 24573 : mountain warfare equipment  / Central Press Photos.
  • British official War Office photo, crown copyright reserved, BH 24573 : mountain warfare equipment  / Central Press Photos.
  • A black man holds a condom between his thumb and finger representing an advertisement for an exhibition on The Art of AIDS Education at Hartnett Gallery, University of Rochester, Massachusetts between April 6 - 20, 1992. Colour lithograph, 1992.
  • The beheading of Juan de Padilla and his associates in the market place of Villalar in 1521. Wood engraving by T.C. Capúz after A. Gisbert Pérez.
  • A couple kiss next to a tray of stubbed out cigarettes and half torn condom packets and lubricant within a grid-like composition; one of a series of anti-AIDS posters produced by Artis entitled 'Imágenes contra el SIDA' [Images against AIDS]. Colour lithograph by Nazario, 1994.
  • A couple kiss next to a tray of stubbed out cigarettes and half torn condom packets and lubricant within a grid-like composition; advertising the danger of AIDS. Colour lithograph by Nazario, 1994.
  • Two devils in a laboratory produce statutes with the help of a genie; showing the repressive nature of the government of France under Louis-Philippe, especially concerning the freedom of the press. Lithograph by E. Le Poittevin, 1831.