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149 results
  • Staphylococcal enterotoxin C2
  • MGG stained smear of a C2 vertebral chordomal mass
  • Grape-Nuts Co., Ltd. : 5, Chancery Lane, W.C.2. London, Eng. : makers of Grape-Nuts, Post Toasties, Instant Postum, Post Bran Flakes.
  • Papanicolaou stained smear of a C2 vertebral chordomal mass, microscopy. Chordomas are cancers formed of cells which resemble those of the notochord (spine) of a developing foetus. Although they can present anywhere within the spine and skull, the majority grow in the sacral region of the spine, corresponding to the lower back. This image shows a Papanicolaou (pap) stained smear obtained from a needle biopsy of a chordoma of the C2 vertebrae, located at the top of the neck just underneath the base of the skull.
  • Harry Gordon in drag. Photographic postcard, 192-.
  • Harry Gordon in drag. Photographic postcard, 192-.
  • Africa: a woman with scarification on her chest and arms, and with plugs in her ear-lobes and lower lip. Photograph by Kurt Lubinski, 19--.
  • British Togoland or Ghana: a man with metal woven into his hair. Photograph by Kurt Lubinski, 19--.
  • A man on a bicycle with a physician riding pillion; advertising the film "When father fetched the doctor". Colour lithograph, 191-.
  • Burmese-Pali Manuscript.
  • Fizzade-Dabs : add contents to water as required : ingredients: sugar, citric acid, mag. carb. levis, ol. limon... / packed by Jasco Ltd.
  • Save some housekeeping money and feed the family better than ever before! : Start saving now for a glorious holiday in the summer! / National Milk Publicity Council.
  • Save some housekeeping money and feed the family better than ever before! : Start saving now for a glorious holiday in the summer! / National Milk Publicity Council.
  • Save some housekeeping money and feed the family better than ever before! : Start saving now for a glorious holiday in the summer! / National Milk Publicity Council.
  • Save some housekeeping money and feed the family better than ever before! : Start saving now for a glorious holiday in the summer! / National Milk Publicity Council.
  • Express cottage cheese / Express Dairy Co. (London) Ltd.
  • Express cottage cheese / Express Dairy Co. (London) Ltd.
  • The more they eat the more they want : fishmongers, start a 6d counter / British Trawlers' Federation Ltd.
  • A diseased heart affected by a form of endocarditis: two figures. Chromolithograph by W. Gummelt, ca. 1897.
  • The blinding of Tobit by bird-droppings falling on his eyes. Woodcut by M. van Heemskerck.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) and Saint Joseph with the Christ Child and Saint John the Baptist. Engraving after Giulio Romano.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis of cervical spine. 2002
  • Rheumatoid arthritis of cervical spine. 2002
  • Cavernous haemangiomas of spinal cord.
  • Oteg : egg preservative (wholly British) for dry storage of eggs in shell (fully patented) / Sozol (1924) Limited.
  • Oteg : egg preservative (wholly British) for dry storage of eggs in shell (fully patented) / Sozol (1924) Limited.
  • Oteg : egg preservative (wholly British) for dry storage of eggs in shell (fully patented) / Sozol (1924) Limited.
  • Oteg : egg preservative (wholly British) for dry storage of eggs in shell (fully patented) / Sozol (1924) Limited.
  • Theodori Kerckringii, doctoris medici, Opera omnia anatomica; continentia Spicilegivm anatomicvm, Osteogeniam foetvvm: nec non Anthropogeniae ichnographiam. Accuratissimis figuris aeri incisis illustrata / [Theodor Kerckring].
  • Cavernous haemangiomas of spinal cord.