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1,275 results
  • James Gillray, satirical broadside: Surgeons' Bill
  • Dorset County Hospital, broadside sheet, 1856?
  • Broadside of the Biddenden Maids, Eliza and Mary Chulkhurst.
  • Broadside: The High German Doctor and the English Fool!
  • [Copy of a broadside printed by R. Weston of Biddenden, Kent, giving a brief history of the Siamese twins Elisabeth and Mary Chulkhurst, the 'Biddenden maids'. ].
  • A butcher's boy, reading to improve his mind, is so absorbed in his book that his delivery of meat is stolen by a passer-by. Coloured etching by T.L. Busby, 1826.
  • Morston Hall Stud, Trimley, June 24th, 1920 : Dear Sirs, For many years my father, the late Ishmael Pratt, used Cupiss' Constitution Balls with the greatest success... / Arthur Pratt.
  • Extract from a letter received from Mr. Frank Dickinson, Inyagura Farm, Rusapi, Southern Rhodesia : (late of Leazey Bridge Farm, Wheathampstead) : 18th September, 1923...
  • Extract from a letter from Mr. G. Martin, Staplehurst, July 8th 1923 : "My mare's legs are quite well now since I have given her two or three of the powders I had from you... / G. Martin.
  • The fatal book opened : an authentic account of John Albert, a young gentleman in Hamburgh, who by the constant study of the works of Friar Bacon and Doctor Faustus, and other books of magic and astrology, had acquired an awful knowledge of cabalistics, necromancy and the black art.
  • Ethiopian Satyr, or Real wild-man of the woods
  • Marc Catozze : born without arms or legs : called the Little Dwarf, was born at Venice, in the year 1741 ... he expired at Paris, the age of 62 ...
  • An extraordinary birth.
  • In December 1765, there were in York, a young man ad woman, twins, of a surprising stature : they were not quite 17 years of age. The brother was 7ft 3 in.: the sister 7ft 2 in. in height : annual register.
  • In 1580, a Dutch dwarf exhibited himself in London : he was three feet high, had never a good foot, nor no knee at all, and yet could dance : he had no arm, but a stump to the elbow, or little more to the right side ... He was accompanied by a Dutch giant.
  • The captain's bulletin, in reply to scribblers and meddlers : "Rule a wife and have a wife."
  • The captain's bulletin, in reply to scribblers and meddlers : "Rule a wife and have a wife."
  • Just published, (price 2 s.) curiously engraved, and printed on a sheet and half of fine elephant paper : a new method of representing the general geography of solar eclipses, exemplified in a specimen of that which is to happen on the 18th of February next.
  • Just published, (price 2 s.) curiously engraved, and printed on a sheet and half of fine elephant paper : a new method of representing the general geography of solar eclipses, exemplified in a specimen of that which is to happen on the 18th of February next.
  • Dwarfs / G.S.
  • What the doctor found : in the body of Frank Wilson, who was operated on for appendicitis in a hospital at Cairo (Ill.), were found:- a button hook, a hat pin, three keys, a lead pencil, a belt buckle, a toy pistol, three small nails, a needle, a thermometer.
  • This is to give notice, to all ladies, gentlemen and others, that there is arrived at this place a little wild man born in St. David's Streights, aged 27 years : he is 34 inches high, straight, very well proportioned ...
  • The Greenland Dwarfs : in Mr. Fillinham's collection there is a very curious and rare print, engraved by J.O. Berndt, minor Nurnberg, representing two dwarfs seated near the entrance of some caves on the Greenland coast ...
  • In Paris, at the theatre of M. Comte, in 1819, a female dwarf was exhibited, seventy-three years of age, with a height of only 33 inches ...
  • A short, but concise account of Elisabeth, and Mary Chulkhurst, who were born joined together by the hips and shoulders, in the year of our Lord 1100, at Biddenden, in the county of Kent : commonly called the Biddenden Maids.
  • A short and concise account of Eliza and Mary Chulkhurst, who were born joined together by the hips and shoulders:  in the year of our Lord 1100, at Biddenden, in the county of Kent : commonly called the Biddenden Maids.
  • A short, but concise account of Elisabeth and Mary Chulkhurst, who were born joined together by the hips and shoulders, in the year of our Lord 1100, at Biddenden, in the county of Kent : commonly called the Biddenden Maids.
  • A short, but concise account of Elisabeth, and Mary Chulkhurst, who were born joined together by the hips and shoulders, in the year of our Lord 1100, at Biddenden, in the county of Kent : commonly called the Biddenden Maids.
  • A specimen of printing types / Alex. Wilson and Sons.
  • A short but concise account of Elisa & Mary Chulkhurst, who were born joined together by the hips and shoulders, in the year of our Lord, 1100, at Biddenden, in the county of Kent : commonly called the Biddenden Maids.