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  • London School of Tropical Medicine (10th Session) group portrait including Sir Patric Manson, M.C. Blair, R.F. de Boissiere, C.W. Daniels, A.H. Davies, J.T. Hancock O. Galgey, and E. Da Cunha, G. Hungerford, Sir Francis Lovell, J. Lunn, G. Lecesne, W.S. Milne, T. Hood, M. Sandeman, D. Steel, Dr. Sambon, G.D. Warren, Charles and Robert the lab assistants
  • Two black silhouette heads touch but are divided by a red question mark; from afar, the image resembles a black suit on a red hanger; representing uncertainty about AIDS. Colour silk screen print after J.-C. Blais, 1993.