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17 results
  • "The incision: a tribute to research". Oil painting by Richard Bannister.
  • Mohawk Minstrels : Mr. Andrew Bannister, the Mohawks giant... : Little Thomas, the marvellous male soprano / Proprietors, William Francis & Harry Hunter.
  • Mohawk Minstrels : Mr. Andrew Bannister, the Mohawks giant... : Little Thomas, the marvellous male soprano / Proprietors, William Francis & Harry Hunter.
  • Manuscript of John Banister (1533-1610)
  • Portrait of Richard Banister (aged 50). From the Collection of the Royal College of Surgeons
  • Portrait of Richard Banister (aged 50). From the Collection of The Royal College of Surgeons.
  • Baths of Cracalla, Rome, seen from N-E, restored. Reproduction from Sir Banister Fletchers book 'History of Arcchitecture on the comparative methods', 7th edition, 1924.
  • A treatise of one hundred and thirteene diseases of the eyes, and eye-liddes. The second time published / with some profitable additions of certaine principles and experiments, by Richard Banister.
  • The historie of man, sucked from the sappe of the most approved anathomistes, in this present age, compiled in most compendious fourme, and now published in English. For the utilitie of all godly chirurgians, within this realme ... / [John Banister].
  • The historie of man, sucked from the sappe of the most approved anathomistes, in this present age, compiled in most compendious fourme, and now published in English. For the utilitie of all godly chirurgians, within this realme ... / [John Banister].
  • A needefull, new, and necessarie treatise of Chyrurgerie, briefly comprehending the generall and particuler curation of Ulcers, drawen foorth of sundrie worthy wryters, but especially of Antonius Calmetus Vergesatus and Joannes Tagaltius ... Hereunto is annexed certaine Experimentes of mine owne invention ... truely tried ... / [John Banister].
  • The execution of slaves by means of beheading by the Bakuti, near Equator Station. Wood engraving.
  • Baths of Cracalla, Rome,the Frigidarum.
  • Baths of Cracalla, Rome, the Tepidarum.
  • Baths of Cracalla, Rome, shown in section.
  • Anatomical male figure. Photograph, ca. 1922, of a carved wooden figure.
  • Adult with Down's syndrome