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167 results
  • Antibiotic stained tooth
  • Antibiotic distribution to children: height-based dosing
  • E Coli antibiotic production
  • Glaxo's new antibiotic Ceporin : truly bactericidal really broad spectrum antibiotic of choice in urinary tract infections.
  • Glaxo's new antibiotic Ceporin : truly bactericidal really broad spectrum antibiotic of choice in urinary tract infections.
  • Polybactrin bacitracin-neomycin-polymyxin : antibiotic powder spray.
  • Polybactrin bacitracin-neomycin-polymyxin : antibiotic powder spray.
  • For topical application : Cicatrin : amino acid powder antibiotic.
  • New : an antibiotic ointment that avoids risk of sensitisation : Neobacrin.
  • New : an antibiotic ointment that avoids risk of sensitisation : Neobacrin.
  • Glaxo breakthrough in antibiotic treatment : Ceporin : truly bactericidal really broad spectrum.
  • Glaxo breakthrough in antibiotic treatment : Ceporin : truly bactericidal really broad spectrum.
  • Glaxo brief : growing clinical evidence strenthens the case for Ceporin : broad-spectrum, bactericidal antibiotic.
  • Injectable antibiotic sensitivity chart ... : Cefizox ceftizoxime sodium / Wellcome Foundation Ltd., Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
  • News note : new for combined hydrocortisone and antibiotic therapy : EF-Cortelan with neomycin eye ointment.
  • News note : new for combined hydrocortisone and antibiotic therapy : EF-Cortelan with neomycin eye ointment.
  • News note : new for combined hydrocortisone and antibiotic therapy : EF-Cortelan with neomycin eye ointment.
  • News note : new for combined hydrocortisone and antibiotic therapy : EF-Cortelan with neomycin eye ointment.
  • News note : new for combined hydrocortisone and antibiotic therapy : EF-Cortelan with neomycin eye ointment.
  • Instruction sheet on oral antibiotic dosage to treat pneumonia, ear infection, shigella and cholera in Kenya. Lithograph, ca. 2000.
  • Neobacrin Ointment : the antibiotic ointment in everyday prescription demand because it can be used time and time again.
  • Always on the move... : Glaxo antibiotic products are inexpensive to stock and always on the move from your shelves ...
  • rapidly, safely effective in infantile diarrhoea and gastro-enteritis : new enterfram : kaolin with framycetin - the ideal antibiotic for enteric use.
  • rapidly, safely effective in infantile diarrhoea and gastro-enteritis : new enterfram : kaolin with framycetin - the ideal antibiotic for enteric use.
  • Clorafuron : Quimioterápico-antibiótico.
  • Clorafuron : Quimioterápico-antibiótico.
  • For bacterial infections Septrin : an advance on the antibiotics.
  • For bacterial infections Septrin : an advance on the antibiotics.
  • For bacterial infections Septrin : an advance on the antibiotics.
  • For bacterial infections Septrin : an advance on the antibiotics.