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271 results
  • Five ancient Roman altars. Etching after J. Barbault.
  • A Roman altar, a Greek metal vase and an Etruscan altar. Etching by L. Roccheggiani, ca. 1811.
  • Altar piece, Salerno Cathedral: the Creation.
  • Fosse Temple showing base of shrine and altar
  • An altar painting depicting the circumcision of Christ, 1481.
  • Saints Cosmas and Damian, from altar piece, by Huget.
  • Saints Cosmas and Damian, from altar piece, by Huget.
  • Saint Francis of Sales praying behind an altar. Engraving, 1700/1750.
  • Roman altar with Greek inscription found at Chester in 1851
  • The altar of the Royal Archconfraternity of the Forty Hours: the Host in glory above the altar, surmounted by a baldachin. Engraving by P. Hortigosa after J. Abrial.
  • Two begging Brahmans carrying a religious altar and symbols. Gouache drawing.
  • A marble altar to Apollo. Etching by G.B. Piranesi, ca. 1770.
  • Saint Andrew Avellino: he dies of apoplexy at the altar. Colour lithograph.
  • Saint Camillus de Lellis praying before an altar. Engraving by G. Petroschi.
  • Skulls and bones of friars, looking towards the altar of a chapel. Photograph.
  • Saint Andrew Avellino: he dies of apoplexy at the altar. Colour photogravure, 1898.
  • Saint Francis Borgia praying at an altar. Gouache painting with cut-paper border.
  • Saint Francis of Sales kneeling behind an altar, praying. Colour line block, 1898.
  • The Temple of Solomon: aerial view, with flames billowing from the sacrificial altar. Wood engraving.
  • The Virgin of Health venerated by pilgrims and sick people who kneel before her altar.
  • Altar piece showing St. Peter wearing spectacles. In the church of St. James. Rothenberg. Bavaria.
  • An architectural composition resembling an altar on which a skeleton lies, cherubs fly above. Engraving.
  • A floating Chinese temple, including an altar, musicians and prayer wheels. Ink drawing, China, 18--?.
  • A man brought on a bier before an altar. Drawing attributed to Pieter de Jode I.
  • Medal showing Hieronymus Fracastorius on obverse - reverse: altar with flames, harp, snake, open book etc.
  • Hospital Real, Santiago de Compostela: ornamented iron grille and altar in the entrance hall. Photograph, ca.1900.
  • A man suffering from mental illness or epilepsy is held up in front of an altar on which is a reliquary with the face of Christ, several lame men are also at the altar in the hope of a miracle cure. Watercolour.
  • A man suffering from mental illness or epilepsy is held up in front of an altar on which is a reliquary with the face of Christ, several lame men are also at the altar in the hope of a miracle cure. Watercolour.
  • A man tends a Hindu altar on a stepped dais, sheltered by a canopy. Watercolour, ca. 1880 (?).
  • Sick people kneeling in front of a reliquary on the altar of Saint Gudule's church (in Brussels?). Photogravure.