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8 results
  • Buildings and members of Pembroke College, Oxford. Lithograph by Beynon & Company.
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.