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54 results
  • The unique absorption of Armyl, brand of Lymecycline.
  • The unique absorption of Armyl, brand of Lymecycline.
  • Plate III. Teeth affected by absorption, disease and trauma
  • Femur of a rabbit showing absorption of dead bone
  • Aortic and mitral valves, showing inflammatory deposits in process of absorption
  • After enteric fever prescribe Angier's Emulsion : heals intestinal lesions, improves absorption and nutrition.
  • For winter chest infections Tetralysal : marked clinical superiority : superior absorption higher blood levels lower dosage improved tolerance.
  • For winter chest infections Tetralysal : marked clinical superiority : superior absorption higher blood levels lower dosage improved tolerance.
  • For winter chest infections Tetralysal : marked clinical superiority : superior absorption higher blood levels lower dosage improved tolerance.
  • For winter chest infections Tetralysal : marked clinical superiority : superior absorption higher blood levels lower dosage improved tolerance.
  • For winter chest infections Tetralysal : marked clinical superiority : superior absorption higher blood levels lower dosage improved tolerance.
  • For winter chest infections Tetralysal : marked clinical superiority : superior absorption higher blood levels lower dosage improved tolerance.
  • For winter chest infections Tetralysal : marked clinical superiority : superior absorption higher blood levels lower dosage improved tolerance.
  • For winter chest infections Tetralysal : marked clinical superiority : superior absorption higher blood levels lower dosage improved tolerance.
  • For winter chest infections Tetralysal : marked clinical superiority : superior absorption higher blood levels lower dosage improved tolerance.
  • For winter chest infections Tetralysal : marked clinical superiority : superior absorption higher blood levels lower dosage improved tolerance.
  • For winter chest infections Tetralysal : marked clinical superiority : superior absorption higher blood levels lower dosage improved tolerance.
  • For winter chest infections Tetralysal : marked clinical superiority : superior absorption higher blood levels lower dosage improved tolerance.
  • An inquiry into the causes of respiration; of the motion of the blood; animal heat; absorption; and muscular motion. With practical inferences / [James Carson].
  • De la méthode ïatraleptique, ou observations pratiques sur l'efficacité des remèdes administrés par la voie, de l'absorption cutanée dans le traitement de plusieurs maladies internes et externes; et sur un nouveau remède [pour les] maladies vénériennes et lymphatiques / [Jean André Chrestien].
  • Iris unguicularis Poir. Iridaceae. Algerian iris. Rhizomatous perennial. Distribution: NW Africa, E. Mediterranean It has scientifically-based potential. The rhizomes contain the chemical kaempferol which inhibits the enzyme alpha-glucosidase in the gut, reducing the rate of glucose absorption. This could be used to prevent the dangerous peaks of blood sugar that occur in diabetics and reduce eye and kidney complications. The unprocessed rhizome contains iridin, a toxic glycoside, which causes 'nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and skin irritation'. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Vitamin C imaged with polarised light. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an important vitamin, essential for collagen formation and wound healing, it also facilitates to absorption of iron. A good source of vitamin C is found in a variety of fruit and vegetables, notably citrus friuts, kiwi and broccoli. It is a water soluble vitamin so is excreted by the body and, therefore, needs to be ingested regularly. A lack of vitamin C causes scurvy.
  • Vitamin C imaged with polarised light. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an important vitamin, essential for collagen formation and wound healing, it also facilitates to absorption of iron. A good source of Vitamin C is found in a variety of fruit and vegetables, notably citrus friuts, kiwi and broccoli. It is a water soluble vitamin so is excreted by the body and, therefore, needs to be ingested regularly. A lack of Vitamin C causes scurvy.
  • Cistus incanus ssp creticus Juss. Cistaceae. Rock Rose. Distribution: Crete. Interesting symbiosis with fungus called Tuber melanosporum which increases nutrient absorption for the plant and inhibits growth of other plants in the vicinity. It is a source of the resin ‘labdanum’ (a.k.a. ‘ladanum’) used in perfumes (similar smell to ambergris), as is Cistus ladanifer. It has no medical uses now, and such use was dwindling even in the 18th century. In the 16th century (Henry Lyte’s 1575 translation of Rembert Dodoen’s Cruydeboeck of 1554) its uses were described (directly copied from Dioscorides’ Materia Medica (70AD)) as: ‘Ladanum dronketh with olde wine, stoppeth the laske [periods], and provoketh urine. It is very good against the hardness of the matrix or mother [uterus] layde to in the manner of a pessarie, and it draweth down the secondes or afterbirth, when it is layde upon quicke coles [hot coals], and the fumigation or parfume thereof be received up into the body of women. // The same applied to the head with Myrrhe and oyle of Myrrhe, cureth the scurffe, called Alopecia, and keepeth the heare [hair] from falling of [sic], but whereas it is already fallen away, it will not cause the heare to growe agayne. // ...' and goes on in this vein about its uses for pain in the ears, and removing sores and scars and other things. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Epimedium pubescens Maxim. Berberidaceae. Horny (sic) Goat Weed. Distribution: China. Marketed as an aphrodisiac, with the ability to act like sildenafil and for osteoporosis. Side effects reported include dizziness, dry mouth, vomiting and cardiac irregularity. It is not listed in Wiart (2006) or Wichtl (1994). Its reputation began, apparently, when a Chinese farmer observed increased sexual activity in his goats after they had been eating Epimedium. Given the enormous profits made by medicines such as sildenafil, it is indicative of its therapeutic value that it has not been taken up by a pharmaceutical company. Poor absorption from the gut and lack of information on toxicity may be responsible. It is not licensed for sale in the UK as a Traditional Herbal Remedy (Traditional Herbal Medicines Registration, January 2013) and has not been assessed or approved by the European Medicines Agency's Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Aconitum carmichaelii Debeaux. Ranunculaceae. Chinese aconite, Chinese wolfsbane, Carmichael's monkshood. Herbaceous perennial. Distribution C. to W. China to N. America. Named for Dr J.R. Carmichael (d. 1877), English physician, plant collector and Protestant missionary from 1862-1877 in Guangdong and Shandong, China initially in Canton. He aided Francis Forbes to collect plants for Kew. Aconitum plants are so poisonous that Theophrastus states that death was the punishment for possessing them. Aconitine is the poison and was used - from Aconitum ferox - in the 'curry murder' in London in 2009. It causes respiratory paralysis, bradycardia (slowing of the pulse), cardiac arrhythmias, tingling, sweating, gastric cramps, diarrhoea and death, both by ingestion and by absorption through the mucous membranes and the skin. Despite this it is widely used in Chinese herbal medicine. It is a restricted herbal medicine which can only be dispensed by a herbal practitioner for external use following a one-to-one consultation, or by prescription from a registered doctor or dentist (UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Antalgina-R : analgésico, ceforzado, de acción prolongada : para la analgesia segura y prolongada / Instituto Sanitas Sociedad Peruana.
  • Antalgina-R : analgésico, ceforzado, de acción prolongada : para la analgesia segura y prolongada / Instituto Sanitas Sociedad Peruana.
  • The inside lining of the arse is highly absorbent : It's one of the easiest ways for anything to get directly into the bloodstream. And that includes HIV in infected cum and pre-cum / Terrence Higgins Trust, CHAPS.
  • Fucking, fingering, fisting or using sex toys can cause tiny cuts to the inside lining of the arse : so if a man who doesn't have HIV gets fucked by one who does, it's easier for the virus to get directly into the bloodstream. Using condoms can reduce this risk / Terrence Higgins Trust, CHAPS.