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5,040 results
  • A family herbal: or, Familiar account of the medical properties of British and foreign plants, also their uses in dying, and the various arts, arranged according to the Linnaean system / [Robert John Thornton].
  • Anatomie des parties de la génération de l'homme et de la femme ... jointe a l'angéologie de tout le corps humain, e a ce qui concerne la grossesse et les accouchemens / [Jacques Fabien Gautier d'Agoty].
  • Loimotomia, or, The pest anatomized : an historical account of the dissection of a pestilential body by the author. Together with the author's apology against the calumnies of the Galenists, and a word to Mr. Nath. Hodges, concerning his late Vindiciae medicinae.
  • A physical dissertation on drowning: in which submersion, commonly call'd drowning, is shewn to be a long time consistent with the continuance of life ... To which is subjoined, the proper measures for recovery and relief ... With an appendix, containing some methods for the recovery of those who hang themselves, and of children supposed to be born dead / By a physician [i.e. Rowland Jackson].
  • Rules for the successful treatment and prevention of the influenza; the prevailing epidemic / By the first editor and originator of The Doctor.
  • Effetti naturali delle acque, concernenti l'idrostatica / [Vincenzo Coronelli].
  • The medical profession in all countries, containing photographic portraits from life.
  • Méthode de nomenclature chimique / proposée par MM. de Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthol[l]et, & de Fourcroy. On y a joint un nouveau système de caractères chimiques, adaptés à cette nomenclature, par MM. Hassenfratz & Adet.
  • Anthropogenie, oder, Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen ... Keimes- und Stammes-geschichte ... / [Ernst Haeckel].
  • Collection de différens traités sur des instrumens d'astronomie, physique, etc. Divisée en deux parties / [João Jacinto de Magalhães].
  • Here begynneth the orcharde of Syon, in the whiche is conteyned the Revelacyons of Seynt Katheryne of Sene, with ghostly fruytes and precyous plants for the helthe of mannes soule / [Catherine].
  • Iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière : service de M. Charcot / par Bourneville et P. Regnard.
  • Looking back, 1907-1860 / [John Chiene].
  • Vital statistics : a memorial volume of selections from the reports and writings of William Farr / edited for the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain by Noel A. Humphreys.
  • Aphasia and kindred disorders of speech / by Henry Head.
  • A report on amputations at the hip-joint in military surgery / by George A. Otis.
  • Trattato delle operazioni di chirurgia ... / accresciuto di note, e di supplementi dai chirurghi G.A. Penchienati e G. Brugnone.
  • The Edinburgh new dispensatory ... / by Andrew Duncan.
  • L'art de connaître les hommes par la physionomie ... / par M. Moreau.
  • Introduction to the Catalogue of the collection of calculi of the bladder : upwards of one thousand in number, besides foreign bodies, removed by operation / by Sir Henry Thompson.
  • An essay towards a complete new system of midwifry, theoretical and practical. Together with the descriptions, causes and methods of removing, or relieving the disorders peculiar to pregnant ... women, and new-born infants / [John Burton].
  • Iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière : service de M. Charcot / par Bourneville et P. Regnard.
  • A woman's example: and a nation's work : A tribute to Florence Nightingale / [Frederick Milnes Edge].
  • Annie Besant : an autobiography ... / [Annie Wood Besant].
  • De arte natandi libri duo, quorum prior regulas ipsius artis, posterior vero praxin demonstrationemque continet / [Everard Digby].
  • Culpeper's School of physick ... The narrative of the authors life is prefixed ... together with the testimony of his late wife, Mrs. Alice Culpeper, and others / [Nicholas Culpeper].
  • Disputatio medica sistens millepedas ... / [Johann Philipp Elvert].
  • New experiments and observations touching cold or, An experimental history of cold, begun. To which are added an Examen of antiperistasis, and an Examen of Mr. Hobs's doctrine about cold ... Whereunto is annexed an account of freezing, brought in to the Royal Society / by ... Dr. C. Merret. Together with an appendix containing some promiscuous experiments and observations relating to the precedent history of cold. By the Honourable Robert Boyle.
  • An entire, new, and original work; being a complete treatise upon spinae pedum containing several important discoveries.... / by Heyman Lion, chiropedist.
  • Novi profectus in historia electricitatis, post obitum auctoris ... ex Msto. ejus editi. Praemissa est commentatiuncula de vita et scriptis viri, de solidiori doctrina optime meriti / [by J.C. Gottsched, with dedicatory epistle by H.'s widow, Friderica Juliana].