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66 results
  • A woman with a castle on her head traces a compass across a globe while two men crouch over it; representing geometry. Engraving by C. Cort, 1565, after F. Floris, c. 1557.
  • A philosopher and virtuoso seated in an armchair: dissatisfied with his accomplishments, he points to the need for charity to the poor. Engraving by C.F. Stoelzel, 1774, after J.E. Schenau, 1773.
  • William Allen, portrayed as an alchemist with several furnaces, the one which he stokes is labelled "Matter o'money". Coloured etching by T. Jones, 1827.
  • William Allen, portrayed as an alchemist with several furnaces, the one which he stokes is labelled "Matter o'money". Coloured etching by T. Jones, 1827.
  • The seven sons of Lara take vengeance on Doña Lambra's servant for insulting Gonzalo Gomez: they kill the servant in front of Doña Lambra and smear her cloak in his blood. Etching by A. Tempesta after O. Vaenius.
  • Chinese drugs personified: Lithograph, 1935