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5,045 results
  • London labour and the London poor : a cyclopaedia of the condition and earnings of those that will work, those that cannot work, and those that will not work. / by Henry Mayhew.
  • Experiments and observations on the danger of copper and bell-metal in pharmaceutical and chemical preparations: / by William Blizard.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • A tour thro' London about the year 1725 : being Letter V and parts of Letter VI of 'A tour thro' the whole Island of Great Britain,' containing a description of the city of London, as taking in the city of Westminster, borough of Southwark and parts of Middlesex / Reprinted from the text of the original edition, 1724-1926 ; edited & annotated by Sir Mayson M. Beeton and E. Beresford Chancellor.
  • The tryal of Spencer Cowper, John Marson, Ellis Stevens, and William Rogers, Gent. : upon an indictment for the murther of Mrs. Sarah Stout, a Quaker. Before Mr. Baron Hatsell, at Hertford Assizes, July 18. 1699. Of which they were acquitted. With the opinions of the eminent physicians and chyrurgeons on both sides concerning drowned bodies, delivered in the tryal. And the several letters produced in court.
  • Tractatus quinque medico-physici / Quorum primus agit de sal-nitro et spiritu nitro-aereo. Secundus de respiratione. Tertius de respiratione foetus in utero, et ovo. Quartus de motu musculari, et spiritibus animalis. Ultimus de rhachitide [sic].
  • The philosophy of domestic economy; as exemplified in the mode of warming, ventilating, washing, drying, & cooking, and in various arrangements contributing to the comfort and convenience of domestic life, adopted in the Derbyshire General Infirmary, and ... in several other public buildings / [Charles Sylvester].
  • Dr. Nichols' penny vegetarian cookery : the science and art of selecting and preparing a pure, healthful, and sufficient diet.
  • Observations on man, his frame, his duty, and his expectations. In two parts / By David Hartley.
  • Anima astrologiae: or, a guide for astrologers. Being the considerations of the famous Guido Bonatus, faithfully rendred into English. As also the choicest aphorisms of Cardans Seaven segments translated and methodically digested under their proper heads. ; with a new table of the fixed stars, rectified for several years to come, and divers other necessary illustrations. A work most useful and necessary for all students, and recommended as such to the sons of art / [Ed.] By William Lilly.
  • Pott'sche Krankheit an einer ägyptischen Mumie aus der Zeit der 21 Dynastie (um 1000 v. chr.) / Grafton Elliot Smith und Marc Armand Ruffer.
  • Aphasia and kindred disorders of speech / by Henry Head.
  • The natural history of Oxford-shire, being an essay toward the natural history of England / By R[ob.] P[lot] LL.D.
  • Mikrokosmographia. A description of the body of man. Together with the controversies thereto belonging / Collected and translated out of the best authors of anatomy, especially out of Gasper Bauhinus and Andreas Laurentius.
  • Athletics of the ancient world / [Edward Norman Gardiner].
  • How to become a nurse and how to succeed / by Honnor Morten.
  • The history of Japan giving an account of the antient and present state and government of that empire; of its ... minerals, trees ... animals ... and fishes; of the chronology ... of the emperors ... of the customs and manufactures of the natives, and of their trade ... with the Dutch and Chinese. Together with a description of the Kingdom of Siam / Written in High Dutch by E. Kæmpfer ... and translated from his original manuscript, never before printed, by J. G. Scheuchzer ... With the life of the author. And an introduction. To which is added, part of a journal of a voyage to Japan, made by the English in ... 1673.
  • A set of anatomical tables with explanations and an abridgment of the practice of midwifery / [William Smellie].
  • The anatomy of an horse ... / by Andrew Snape.
  • Thomae Sydenham ... Opera omnia medica.
  • Handbook of the Historical Medical Museum / organised by Henry S. Wellcome.
  • The Indian Nectar, or, A discourse concerning Chocolata : Wherein the Nature of the Cacao-nut, and the other Ingredients of that Composition, is examined, and stated according to the Judgment and Experience of the Indians, and Spanish writers, who lived in the Indies, and others; with sundry additional Observations made in England: The ways of compounding and preparing Chocolata are enquired into; its Effects, as to its alimental and Venereal quality, as well as Medicinal (especially in Hypochondriacal Melancholy) are fully debated. Together with a Spagyrical Analysis of the Cacao-nut, performed by that excellent Chymist, Monsieur le Febure, Chymist to His Majesty. / By Henry Stubbe.
  • A voyage to the Levant: or, travels in the principal parts of Asia Minor, the islands of Scio, Rhodes, Cyprus, etc. With an account of the most considerable cities of Egypt, Syria and the Holy Land. Enrich'd with above two hundred copper-plates, wherein are represented the most noted cities, countries, towns and other remarkable things, all drawn to the life / By Corneille le Brunyn. Done into English, by W.F.
  • Armamentarium chirurgicum, olim auctum triginta novem tabulis / ... nec non observationum medico-chirurgicarum centuria collecta a Joh. Baptista a Lamzweerde ... & observationibus Petri Hadriani [i.e. C.V.] F[ilii] Verduin, studio Johannis Tilingii M. D. editis. Nunc vero in meliorem ordinem redactum, ab innumeris mendis expurgatum, & locupletissimo indice provisum studio Johan. Christophori de Sprögel.
  • The metamorphosis of Ajax, a Cloacinean satire: with the Anatomy and Apology ... To which is added Ulysses upon Ajax / [Sir John Harington].
  • An account of two successful operations for restoring a lost nose from the integuments of the forehead in the cases of two officers of His Majesty's Army; to which are prefixed historical and physiological remarks on the nasal operation; including descriptions of the Indian and Italian methods / [J.C. Carpue].
  • Buffon's Natural history, abridged. Including the history of the elements, the earth, mountains, rivers, seas, winds, whirlwinds, waterspouts, volcanoes, earthquakes, man, quadrupeds, birds, fishes, shell-fish, lizards, serpents, insects, and vegetables / [George Louis Leclerc Buffon].
  • The gymnastic free exercises of P. H. Ling : ... a systematized course of gymnastics without apparatus, for the development and strengthening of the body ... adapted to the use of medical men ... / arranged by H. Rothstein ; translated with additions by M. Roth.
  • The return to nature; or, a defence of the vegetable regimen. With some account of an experiment made during the last three or four years in the author's family / By John Frank Newton, esq.
  • A family herbal: or, Familiar account of the medical properties of British and foreign plants, also their uses in dying, and the various arts, arranged according to the Linnaean system / [Robert John Thornton].