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679 results
  • Five Flemish men smoke, drink and sleep in a dingy smoke den. Engraving by D. Sornique, early 18th century, after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • Psychological sleep : suspension of cerebral activity and muscular resolution with...Dial "Ciba" : specific in nervous insomnia and agitation of the overworked neuropathic patients, etc.
  • A mosquito attempting to attack a mosquito net under which a mother and child sleep: preventing malaria in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, 2003.
  • A treatise on the incubus, or night-mare, disturbed sleep, terrific dreams, and nocturnal visions; with the means of removing these distressing complaints / [John Augustine Waller].
  • Painless childbirth : a general survey of all painless methods with special stress on "twilight sleep" and its extension to America / by Marguerite Tracy and Mary Boyd.
  • Painless childbirth : a general survey of all painless methods with special stress on "twilight sleep" and its extension to America / by Marguerite Tracy and Mary Boyd.
  • Baldwin's Nervous Pills : cures nervousness, irritability of temper, want of strength and energy, fear, dread, neuralgia, hysteria, disturbed sleep, melancholy, insomnia, and all nerve pain and diseases.
  • A surgeon applying the method of cupping to Ragotin, who believes his body has swelled in his sleep. Engraving by G. Huquier the elder after J.B. Oudry.
  • A surgeon applying the method of cupping to Ragotin, who believes his body has swelled in his sleep. Engraving by G. Huquier the elder after J.B. Oudry.
  • A clergyman reads the sermon with the aid of a magnifying glass to a sleeping congregation while another clergyman ogles a sleeping woman; satire on tedious sermons and the replacement of spirituality by sleep. Mezzotint after W. Hogarth.
  • A noisy tenant and three of his friends, having stayed up singing until the early hours of the morning, go to the house of an elderly neighbour and disturb his sleep to ask him for glass of water and the loan of a shilling for a cab. Etching by George Cruikshank, 1839.
  • Papaver rhoeas L. Papaveraceae Corn Poppy, Flanders Poppy. Distribution: Temperate Old World. Dioscorides (Gunther, 1959) recommended five or six seed heads in wine to get a good night's sleep the leaves and seeds applied as a poultice to heal inflammation, and the decoction sprinkled on was soporiferous. Culpeper (1650) ' ... Syrup of Red, or Erratick Poppies: by many called Corn-Roses. ... Some are of the opinion that these Poppies are the coldest of all other - believe them that list [wishes to]: I know no danger in this syrup, so it be taken in moderation and bread immoderately taken hurts
  • Papaver rhoeas L. Papaveraceae Corn Poppy, Flanders Poppy. Distribution: Temperate Old World. Dioscorides (Gunther, 1959) recommended five or six seed heads in wine to get a good night's sleep the leave and seeds applied as a poultice to heal inflammation, and the decoction sprinkled on was soporiferous. Culpeper (1650) ' ... Syrup of Red, or Erratick Poppies: by many called Corn-Roses. ... Some are of the opinion that these Poppies are the coldest of all other - believe them that list [who wish to]: I know no danger in this syrup, so it be taken in moderation and bread immoderately taken hurts
  • Viola canina L. Violaceae Distribution: Europe. Culpeper (1650) writes 'Violets (to whit the blew ones, for I know little or no use of the white ones in physic) ... provoke sleep, loosen the belly, resist fevers, help inflammations, ... ease pains in the head, help the roughness of the windpipe, soreness in the throat, inflammations in the breast and sides, pleurisies, open stoppings of the liver and help the yellow jaundice'. 'Violet leaves, they are cool, ease pains in the head proceeding of heat, and frenzies, either inwardly taken or outwardly applied, heat of the stomach, or inflammation of the lungs.' It still has the same reputation in modern herbal medicine, and while its safety is not known, it is regarded as edible and flowers are used to garnish salads. Larger quantities are emetic – make one vomit. Not licensed for use in Traditional Herbal Medicines in the UK (UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • A mother sits by her child's bed stroking his face while he sleeps. Engraving.
  • Vulcan forges metal chains while Venus sleeps. Engraving by Antonio Salamanca after G.F. Mazzola, il Parmigianino.
  • A woman plays the harp and sings, but her husband sleeps. Colour process print, 1891, after Thomas Rowlandson.
  • Cupid prevents a satyr from taking advantage of Venus as she sleeps. Etching by Bernard Picart after himself.
  • A little boy wakes up a sleeping man with noisy banging of a drum; the boy sleeps and the man swats flies away from him with a fan. Colour process print, 1909.
  • A witch points at Cupid above, Mars [Ares] (?) sleeps behind her. Engraving by Q. Boel after A. Allegri, il Correggio.
  • A mother sits by her child's bed and watches while it sleeps. Engraving by C. Heath after R. Westall R.A.
  • A woman sewing in a pleasant domestic interior, her baby sleeps sweetly in its cradle. Aquatint by J. Sartain after G. Dou.
  • Domestic pet. Sleeping cat
  • Sleeping Sickness Commission photos
  • Sleeping Sickness Commission photos
  • Sleeping Sickness Commission photos
  • Sleeping Sickness Commission photos
  • Sleeping Sickness Commission photos
  • A man sleeps between Roger Bacon (?) and a musician: a brass head proclaims time present and the past. Woodcut, ca. 1700-1720.
  • A sleeping cat. Gouache, 18--.