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185 results
  • An ancient priest killing a lamb as a sacrifice amidst a crowd of people. Etching by J. van den Aveele, 1681.
  • Jephthah makes a sacrifice of his daughter according to his rash vow. Line engraving by J.W. Cook after J. Opie.
  • The high priest of the Temple, holds the circumcised Christ in his arms; Mary brings a sacrifice after her purification. Etching.
  • The high priest of the Temple, holds the circumcised Christ in his arms; Mary brings a sacrifice after her purification. Etching.
  • A man sits near an altar with a statue of a goddess and prepares a boar for sacrifice. Engraving by Battista Franco.
  • A boy angel appears as Abraham prepares to sacrifice his son. Lithograph by G. Sensi y Baldachi after A. del Sarto, 1529.
  • Mexico: part of a pre-Hispanic bas-relief from Mexico City, showing a sacrifice. Coloured aquatint by D. Klemi-Bonatti, ca. 1820.
  • Noah and his family sacrifice a ram to God on leaving the ark. Engraving by G. Carattoni after A. de'Angeli after Michelangelo.
  • Noah's clan make their sacrifice and God responds with a rainbow. Colour etching by E. Kirkall after Bishop after P. Caliari, il Veronese.
  • Human sacrifice among the Khonds in India: a victim (meriah) about to be dismembered. Wood engraving by C. Krull after J. Fuchs, 186-.
  • A sacrifice taking place in the tabernacle in the wilderness; the encampments of the Jewish tribes spread out to the horizon. Coloured lithograph.
  • Noah and his entourage come down from the ark and make a sacrifice to God. Etching by M. van der Gucht after G. Hoet.
  • An Inca priest makes a sacrifice to the sun; representing the continent of America. Stipple engraving by J.D. Nargeot after C.A. Chasselat.
  • A Christian man is tortured because he refuses to eat meat or drink wine that have been dedicated in a sacrifice to pagan deities. Woodcut.
  • The inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands offering to Captain Cook the sacrifice of a pig. Etching by S. Middiman and J. Hall, 1784, after J. Webber.
  • After healing a lame man, the apostles Paul and Barnabas are mistaken for gods at Lystra; the priest brings them a sacrifice of oxen. Etching after Raphael.
  • Four priests perform a yagna, a fire sacrifice, an old vedic ritual where offerings are made to the god of fire, Agni. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Double picture: Queen Shrimati Pramila Rani holding court for a horse sacrifice ; a battle between Arjuna and his demon army and Vabhruvahana and his human army. Transfer lithograph.
  • Thirteen different gods perform a yagna, a fire sacrifice, an old vedic ritual where offerings are made to the god of fire, Agni. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Nine female deities (?) performing a yagna, a fire sacrifice, an old vedic ritual where offerings are made to the god of fire, Agni. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • After healing a lame man, the apostles Paul and Barnabas are mistaken for gods at Lystra; the priest brings them a sacrifice of oxen. Etching by B. Lépicié, 1721, after Raphael.
  • Four priests holding ritual vessels perform a yagna, a fire sacrifice, an old vedic ritual where offerings are made to the god of fire, Agni. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Fourteen couples with sacrificial vessels perform a yagna, a fire sacrifice, an old vedic ritual where offerings are made to the god of fire, Agni. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Vishnu, Brahman and three other deities perform a yagna, a fire sacrifice, an old vedic ritual where offerings are made to the god of fire, Agni. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Four priests consult some writings and perform a yagna, a fire sacrifice, an old vedic ritual where offerings are made to the god of fire, Agni. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Vishnu, Lakshmi (?), Brahman, Shiva and two priests perform a yagna, a fire sacrifice, an old vedic ritual where offerings are made to the god of fire, Agni. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • The sacrifice of Iphigenia or Polyxena: the victim is about to have her throat cut and her blood caught in a bowl when a god with a drawn sword appears. Etching by G. de Lairesse.
  • The sense of smell: a man lying in bed smells flowers as another lights some incense, above, a priest stands before a burning sacrifice of a lamb. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • The sense of smell: a man lying in bed smells flowers as another lights some incense, above, a priest stands before a burning sacrifice of a lamb. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • Trimurty, the three headed Shiva, sitting with eight other priests (?) perform a yagna, a fire sacrifice, an old vedic ritual where offerings are made to the god of fire, Agni. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.