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342 results
  • A prisoner in Sing Sing Prison, New York, having water poured over him by a guard as a punishment, while restrained at the ankles and wrists: he dies. Wood engraving, 1869.
  • The twin towers of a church wearing condoms with the message that AIDS is not God's punishment; an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS. Colour lithograph by Klaus Staeck, 1987.
  • Example of a Roman military punishment for Adultery, where the feet of the soldier were tied to two branches of trees bent down, which being suddenly let free, tore the offender apart.
  • Two men and two children standing next to a Chinese man carrying the cangue around his neck as a punishment; a river and a boat in the background. Engraving by J. Hall after W. Alexander, 1796.
  • A Chinese man carrying the cangue around his neck as a punishment is being fed by a woman; a guard holding a whip stands next to him. Engraving by G. Paterson after T. Allom after W. Varnham, 1843.
  • Above, the burning at the stake of Person, Testwood and Filmer outside Windsor Castle; below, the trial of Marbeck, Testwood, Person and Filmer, the punishment of London, Simons and Robert Ockham in the pillory. Woodcut by A.S.
  • Thorn tree for punishment of adultry (top left) and ghouls in hell with Phra Malai above them (top right), the poor woodcutter picks lotus flowers in a pond (bottom right) and presents them to Phra Malai (bottom left)
  • Thorn tree for punishment of adultry (top left) and ghouls in hell with Phra Malai above them (top right), the poor woodcutter picks lotus flowers in a pond (bottom right) and presents them to Phra Malai (bottom left)
  • A Chinese man lying on the ground is being scourged by order of a magistrate and his clerk; a man carrying the cangue around his neck as a punishment walks past. Engraving by T. Wallis after W.M. Craig, May 1805.
  • A man with his gouty leg on a stool, a maid accidently pours boiling water over him and a small boy is stealing from his wallet, perhaps further punishment for his overindulgence. Mezzotint by V. Green, 1775, after E. Penny.
  • Slaves in Madagascar subjected to physical punishment: (left) a boy wearing a heavy iron collar is carrying a heavy piece of wood; (right) a woman with her head in a cangue is carrying a basket. Wood engraving after W. Ellis, 1858.
  • The punishment and torture of the "Peacock" dervishes by order of Emin Pasha's rebel officers: the dervishes are lined up and seated to have their ears sliced off. Coloured wood engraving by P. Naumann after W.H. Overend after A.J. Mounteney-Jephson.
  • A woman appearing to stand on the sea wearing a floral short dress and fishnet tights; with a message that AIDS is not a divine punishment but safer sex is essential to prevent AIDS; advertisement by the Fundacion SIDA. Colour lithograph by Contrapunto, 1991.
  • A Chinese man is bound to a pole, has had an arrow shot through his ear as a punishment for insolence to a superior; a Chinese man holding a sign describing the crime; and a mandarin reproving the culprit. Coloured aquatint by W. Alexander, 1814.
  • Top: Chinese men seeking alms by threatening to kill themselves by self-mutilation, one (left) kneeling to hit his head against a rock, and the other (right) with burning herbs on his head; below, a monk being whipped as a punishment for promiscuity. Engraving by C. Du Bosc after B. Picart after J. Nieuhof.
  • Punishments of Hell. Chromolithograph.
  • Cover of The Roman military punishments
  • The face of a woman against a black background bearing the red lettering: "Dass das Leben zu ende Sein kann, noch ehe es begonnen hat, mag für dich unvorstellebar Sein; für mich aber wird es ... zur realitä'; an advertisement for an Ecumenical service at the Protestant Episocopal Church in Bischofszell on Sunday, 29 August on the theme of: 'AIDS - a punishment from God? by Pastors H. Miller and M. Keller with representatives of AIDS-Hilfe Thurgau. Colour lithograph.
  • The punishments of China / illustrated by twenty-two engravings: with explanations in English and French. [Anon].
  • The punishments of China / illustrated by twenty-two engravings: with explanations in English and French. [Anon].
  • Example of Recipitation, or throwing headlong, over a cliff and crusification, Roman military punishments for disertion
  • Methods of torture through the ages: including a rack, the man in the iron mask? and Roman and Tudor punishments. Halftone.
  • Punishments in camps during the Afghan wars, including flogging, hanging and the shooting of Afghans while tied to a rod. Wood engraving by G. Durand.
  • Roman soldier being punished by his peers
  • The new and complete Newgate calendar; or, villany displayed in all its branches ... Containing ... narratives ... of the various executions and other exemplary punishments ... in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, from the year 1700 to the present time / by William Jackson.
  • The new and complete Newgate calendar; or, villany displayed in all its branches ... Containing ... narratives ... of the various executions and other exemplary punishments ... in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, from the year 1700 to the present time / by William Jackson.
  • The new and complete Newgate calendar; or, villany displayed in all its branches ... Containing ... narratives ... of the various executions and other exemplary punishments ... in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, from the year 1700 to the present time / by William Jackson.
  • The new and complete Newgate calendar; or, villany displayed in all its branches ... Containing ... narratives ... of the various executions and other exemplary punishments ... in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, from the year 1700 to the present time / by William Jackson.
  • The new and complete Newgate calendar; or, villany displayed in all its branches ... Containing ... narratives ... of the various executions and other exemplary punishments ... in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, from the year 1700 to the present time / by William Jackson.
  • The new and complete Newgate calendar; or, villany displayed in all its branches ... Containing ... narratives ... of the various executions and other exemplary punishments ... in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, from the year 1700 to the present time / by William Jackson.