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589 results
  • Connect : Talk. Explore. Resolve / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Connect : Talk. Explore. Resolve / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Connect : Talk. Explore. Resolve / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Vesications and ecchymosis connected with a fracture of the olecranon
  • The Sarabha: a mythical creature connected with Shiva. Gouache drawing.
  • Liver with an increase of the connective tissue along a portal canal
  • Connective tissue of the retina: microscopic view. Drawing by M.J.S. Schultze, ca. 1870.
  • The anatomy and philosophy of expression as connected with the fine arts / By Sir Charles Bell.
  • Alchemy: a double furnace with a glass vessel connected to it. Watercolour, 1933, by V. Kaliba.
  • On superstitions connected with the history and practice of medicine and surgery / By Thomas Joseph Pettigrew.
  • A snake, tan in colour, with brown spotted markings connected by thin diagonal bars. Watercolour, ca. 1795.
  • Three women huddle eagerly around a medicine bottle; perhaps connected with pregnancy. Mezzotint by T. Scratchley, 1771.
  • Boring operation to connect the drainage system near Grays Inn Lane to the main sewage system. Wood engraving.
  • Boring operation to connect the drainage system near Grays Inn Lane to the main sewage system. Wood engraving.
  • Get yourself connected : HIV & AIDS services in Bexley & Greenwich / Bexley & Greenwich Health Promotion Service.
  • Get yourself connected : HIV & AIDS services in Bexley & Greenwich / Bexley & Greenwich Health Promotion Service.
  • Get yourself connected : HIV & AIDS services in Bexley & Greenwich / Bexley & Greenwich Health Promotion Service.
  • Get yourself connected : HIV & AIDS services in Bexley & Greenwich / Bexley & Greenwich Health Promotion Service.
  • Get yourself connected : HIV & AIDS services in Bexley & Greenwich / Bexley & Greenwich Health Promotion Service.
  • Get yourself connected : HIV & AIDS services in Bexley & Greenwich / Bexley & Greenwich Health Promotion Service.
  • Three women representing Sister Connect, a helpline for women living with HIV; advertisement by the New Jersey Women and AIDS Network. Lithograph.
  • Savory & Moore Ltd: interior of the pharmacy; an upper floor which appears to be connected by a metal spiral staircase. Photograph.
  • Portrait of Rene Sand. From an obituary notice connected with the International Congress of Social Work, 1953. In the possession of Miss Burstein.
  • Dolcoath tin mine, Camborne, Cornwall: miners in a mine shaft, standing on wooden platforms connected by ladders. Photograph by J. C. Burrow, 1890/1910.
  • Karel Frederic Wenckebach demonstrates a boy's heartbeat to a medical class: students listen through stethoscopes connected to a machine. Process print, ca. 1925.
  • A street in Freetown, Sierra Leone: the buildings separated from the street by a ditch, with a wooden plank to connect them. Photograph, c. 1911.
  • A street in Freetown, Sierra Leone: the buildings separated from the street by a ditch, with a wooden plank to connect them. Photograph, c. 1911.
  • Crimean War, England: caricature possibly a play on class and language or corruption within the Crimean Fund Office connected with Florence Nightingale. Wood engraving by N.
  • Our lady of Deliverance. Invoked by expectant mothers for a safe delivery, though the work Deliverance originally was connected with freedom from attacks of enemies of all kinds.
  • An introverted and an extroverted man; exhibiting excessive and lacking propensities connected with the faculty of causality (reflective thought) in phrenology. Steel engraving by E. Monnin, 1847, after H. Bruyères.