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589 results
  • Synaptic connection in rat cerebellar cortex
  • Madonna and Child. No medical connection.
  • Our Lady of the Scapular. No medical connection.
  • Montage of photographs in connection with the Bubonic plague
  • Band of Help in connection with the Birmingham & District Cripples Union.
  • Our Lady, represented as in teh Murillo painting. No known connection with medicine.
  • A face void of all discernible connection with temperament or expression. Drawing, c. 1792.
  • Heads of different types of people in connection with the law. Etching by George Cruikshank after himself.
  • Transactions of the International Swedenborg Congress held in connection with the celebration of the Swedenborg Society's centenary, London, July 4 to 8, 1910.
  • Jets of water spray naked young women on a bed; suggesting the connection between enemas and eroticism. Process print after an engraving by P.L. Auvray after J.H. Fragonard.
  • Jets of water spray naked young women on a bed; suggesting the connection between enemas and eroticism. Process print after an engraving by P.L. Auvray after J.H. Fragonard.
  • A man leans against some lockers holding two books with a warning about the connection between sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS; a poster from the America responds to Aids advertising campaign. Lithograph.
  • Palæolithic man and terramara settlements in Europe : being the Munro lectures in anthropology and prehistoric archæology in connection with the University of Edinburgh, delivered during February and March 1912 / by Robert Munro.
  • Saint Philip Neri (26th May). Born in Florence, 1515. Spent his life working in Rome and hence called the Apostle of Rome. Died in 1595. no connection with medicine. Represented usually surrounded by children.
  • Social questions in the orient : great mass meeting (under the auspices of the Anti-Opium Urgency Committee, the Christian Union for the Severance of the Connection of the British Empire with the Opium Trade, and the World's W.C.T.U.) in the Central Hall, Newcastle-0n-Tyne, Friday evening, November 23rd, 1894.
  • Social questions in the orient : great mass meeting (under the auspices of the Anti-Opium Urgency Committee, the Christian Union for the Severance of the Connection of the British Empire with the Opium Trade, and the World's W.C.T.U.) in the Central Hall, Newcastle-0n-Tyne, Friday evening, November 23rd, 1894.
  • Saint Teresa of Avila, the Reformer of the Carmelite Order. Born in Avila in 1515, died in 1582. Known as the Reformer of the Carmelite Order, and author of a fascinating autobiography. No connection with medicine. Celebrated on the 15th October.
  • Connections in the visual system
  • Connections in the visual system
  • Fibre connections of basal ganglia and spinal cord
  • Connective tissue
  • Connective tissue
  • Connective tissue fibres
  • Neurones connecting, artwork
  • Neurones connecting, artwork
  • A family group of five sitters, possibly connected with Billroth. From a cache of photographs connected with Billroth
  • SEM bone, new trabeculae connecting to old
  • Prison formerly connected with the St. Marylebone Infirmary.
  • Connect : Talk. Explore. Resolve / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Connect : Talk. Explore. Resolve / Terrence Higgins Trust.