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361 results
  • A doctor telling one of his jovial patients that he would probably make jokes on his death bed, the patient retorts he would - being his last chance. Wood engraving by P. May, 1901.
  • A doctor asking his patients husband how she is, he replies (amidst a devasted room) that he's not sure but she certainly has a temper. Wood engraving by H ..., 1904.
  • A snobbish mother resistant to her daughter's doctor using a vaccine from their neighbour's child. Wood engraving by G. Du Maurier, 1872.
  • A dentist telling off his black assistant for not extracting a tooth, the assistant retorts that instead of the tooth he got the patients's watch and pocket book. Process print after G.E. Studdy.
  • A doctor and colonel discussing the medical prognosis of the new (modern) woman. Wood engraving by G. Du Maurier, 1895.
  • A physician discovers that the patient to whom he has administered hydrotherapy has developed 'water on the brain'. Lithograph by Brandl, c. 1850.
  • A young lady, love-struck after a military ball, visited by her doctor at her mother's request. Wood engraving by John Leech, 1863.
  • A young lady, love-struck after a military ball, visited by her doctor at her mother's request. Wood engraving by John Leech, 1863.
  • A man with bronchitis asks a chemist for a remedy. Wood engraving after C. Keene.
  • A mother explaning to a doctor that her baby's medicine has been used up quickly because the whole family tried it - to encourage baby to take some. Reproduction of a drawing by B. Prance, 1923.
  • An army medical officer trying to find out from an ignorant soldier if he knows where his arteries are. Wood engraving by L. Raven-Hill, 1907.
  • A doctor reprimanding the drunkenness of the village grave-digger, who retorts that he does not criticise the doctor for his mistakes - which he has to bury. Wood engraving by C. Keene, 1879.
  • A Scottish shepherd telling a doctor on the roadside about the death of his wife and how glad he is that he didn't take any of the medicine the doctor had prescribed for his wife. Wood engraving after L. Raven-Hill, 1908.
  • A doctor visiting an Irish patient whose wife queries the recommendation to take one pill three times a day. Wood engraving after D. Wilson, 1903.
  • A convalescing old lady asking her health visitor if she has recovered from her bout of flu. Wood engraving by L. Raven-Hill, 1912.
  • A man with gout seated at a table drinking with a parson and a woman. Coloured etching.
  • A man with gout seated at a table drinking with a parson and a woman. Coloured etching.
  • An old lady in a pharmacy misunderstanding the use of a thermometer: she thinks the ambient temperature will adjust to match a setting on the thermometer, rather than vice versa. Wood engraving after C. Keene, 1887.
  • A doctor advising his patient to give up life's pleasures - though not to go so far as to get married. Wood engraving by G. Du Maurier, 1880.
  • A doctor asking a dealer about horses, the dealer retorts that like doctors you can buy horses at many different prices. Wood engraving by WIH, 1892.
  • A windy day at Margate: a man accidentally bumping into another man, and knocking out his last tooth. Coloured etching by W. Heath, 1810.
  • A gouty man talking to his doctor who is totally unsympathetic after discovering that his patient had finished off a bottle of port the previous evening. Wood engraving by B. Partridge, 1896.
  • Lord Melbourne reads Sir John Campbell's letter of resignation to members of his cabinet. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1836.
  • A fist-fight between Lord Brougham and Lord Melbourne as Peachum and Lockit. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1837.
  • A gouty invalid conversing with a a young man. Coloured etching.
  • An Italian man with an extremely long bushy beard requesting a barber to confirm his advertised rate of a shave for one penny; the barber is forced to agree. Etching by G. Cruikshank.
  • A gouty invalid conversing with a a young man. Coloured etching.
  • A gouty invalid conversing with a a young man. Coloured etching.
  • A doctor trying to convince an obese lady that her over-eating problems are psychologically based. Wood engraving by EH, 1894.
  • A doctor visiting a patient who insists on self medication; representing Lord Rosebery's chairmanship of a committee advocating reform in the House of Lords. Wood engraving by Sir E.L. Sambourne, 1907.