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185 results
  • Line Drawing: Human Sacrifice, Aztecs
  • Pagan sacrifice. Engraving.
  • The serpent sacrifice. Chromolithograph.
  • A pagan sacrifice. Etching.
  • Pagan sacrifice to a goddess. Engraving.
  • A pagan sacrifice. Sanguine stipple engraving.
  • A pagan sacrifice. Engraving after L. Lombard.
  • Noah preparing his first sacrifice after the Flood; the Tower of Babel; God responds to Noah's sacrifice with a rainbow. Etching by J. Hulett.
  • A pagan sacrifice. Etching by A. Fabri after Raphael.
  • Ming tombs, Peking: the Lingendian (Hall of Prominent Favour or Great Sacrifice Hall) at Changling. Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Ming tombs, Peking: the Lingendian (Hall of Prominent Favour or Great Sacrifice Hall) at Changling. Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.
  • An angel intervenes as Abraham prepares to sacrifice Isaac. Mezzotint.
  • Episodes in the Pentateuch involving sacrifice, worship and idol-worshipping. Engraving.
  • Abel sits distressed beside his thankless sacrifice. Autotype after F.J. Shields, 1877.
  • A sacrifice to Pan. Engraving by F.G. Aliamet, 1769, after A. Sacchi.
  • A procession towards a sacrifice. Lithograph by F. Piloty after Polidoro da Caravaggio.
  • Marriage of Rama to Sita with Brahmins making fire sacrifice. Coloured transfer lithograph.
  • Two women and two rams at a sacrifice. Engraving by E. Delaune, ca. 1560.
  • Rama fighting with his sons with the help of Hanuman over a horse sacrifice. Watercolour drawing.
  • Saint Joachim: his offering of a lamb for sacrifice is rejected. Line engraving by H. Wierix.
  • Noah's entourage comes down from Mount Ararat; Noah makes a sacrifice. Etching by N.C. Goodnight.
  • An angel descends as Abraham prepares to sacrifice Isaac; the ram lurks in the bushes. Line engraving.
  • Shiva trampling on animal sages accompanied by deer, during Daksha's sacrifice, Parvati stands to one side. Chromolithograph.
  • The sacrifice of the son of King Moab. Engraving by H.R. Cook after P.P. Rubens.
  • An old prophet denounces the proceedings at a lavish sacrifice given by the wayward king Jeroboam. Engraving.
  • Idomeneus prepares to sacrifice his son to Jupiter. Engraving by W. Skelton, 1793, after E.F. Burney.
  • The angel intervenes as Abraham prepares to sacrifice Isaac. Engraving by S.A. Bolswert, c. 1620, after T. Rombouts.
  • Jacob's ladder; Moses' exhausting prayer; Elijah addressing God at a sacrifice. Mezzotint by G. Sanders, 1845, after E. Taylor.
  • Five elderly ladies caricatured as young women performing a sacrifice in a classical tableau. Etching by J. Gillray, 1787.
  • A human sacrifice witnessed by Captain Cook on the island of Tahiti. Engraving by W. Woollett, 1784, after J. Webber.