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  • Capsicum annuum 'Masquerade' Distribution: Central and South America. This ‘domesticated species’ originated from Mexico (although the centre of Capsicum evolution was much earlier and from Bolivia) and includes the bland salad peppers and the hot chilli peppers, of which capsaicin (sometimes called capsicain), from the lining of the inside of the chilli, is the main active ingredient. Chilli comes from the Aztec language of the Nahuatl people. It was reputedly introduced to Europe by Columbus in the mid-15th century, but was cultivated in Mexico since 4,000 BCE and used in cooking since 7,200 BCE. After its introduction to Europe, its cultivation very rapidly became world-wide. It appears first as a description (Bock, 1539) with the name teutschem Pfeffer. The first illustration, as Siliquastrum, appears in Historia Stirpes commentarii insignis (Fuchs, 1542). Fuchs did not realise it came from the Americas, as he identified it as a plant described by Pliny, Dioscorides and Avicenna and gave their uses of it. It appear in Dodoen's Cruydeboeck (1551) and Lyte's translation (1557) with the note that it is 'hot and drie in the third degree.' He recommended it for dressing meat, and noted that it 'warmeth the stomach' and was good for a sore throat, scrofula, and topically got rid of spots. Fuch's had reported these properties as being described by Avicenna, but what that plant was is unknown. Lindley (1838) wrote: 'It is employed in medicine, in combination with Cinchona in intermittent and lethargic affections, and also in atonic gout, dyspepsia accompanied by flatulence, tympanitis, paralysis etc. Its most valuable application appears however to be in cynanche maligna [=severe sore throat, with impending suffocation] and scarlatina maligna [=severe scarlet fever], used either as a gargle or administered internally.' However, its principal use medically has been in pain relief, applied locally for pain from muscle injury to post herpetic neuralgia. Capsaicin acts on the pain and heat sensing neurones to make them trigger the sensation of pain at body temperature. Repeated exposure to capsaicin depletes the neurotransmitter substance P that is used to perceive pain, so the relevant nerves no longer transmit the sensation of pain/heat from any cause. It is a banned substance in the equestrian events at the Olympics because of its ability to stop perception of pain. Capsaicin has been shown, experimentally, to kill cancer cells by attacking their mitochondria. Particular interest has concentrated on its ability to reduce the size of tumours of the pancreas and prostate. Various cultivars are used in cooking, and the strength (i.e. how hot they are) is measured in Scoville units. A standard chilli pepper used in England would be around 5,000 Scovilles, the hottest peppers are rated over one million Scoville units. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Strength, and how to obtain it / by Eugen Sandow ; with anatomical chart, illustrating the exercises for physical development ; illustrated with several full page portraits of the author.
  • A fettered Samson sits blind and distraught in a gloomy clearing. Stipple engraving by T. Kirk after R. Westall.
  • Samson brings the house down upon himself and the Philistines. Engraving by B. Audran after F. Verdier, 1698.
  • Head of a man endowed, according to Lavater, with the capacity for profound thought. Drawing, c. 1792.
  • Samson, victorious over the combined powers of the Philistines, holds the jaw of the ass up high. Engraving by G. Tomba after F. Rosaspina after G. Reni.
  • Samson, victorious over the combined powers of the Philistines, holds the jaw of the ass up high. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after G. Reni.
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by Sampson ("beats all records for strength") at the Royal Aquarium, London].
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by Sampson ("beats all records for strength") at the Royal Aquarium, London].
  • Samson kills the lion with his bare hands. Etching by J.B. de Poilly after F. Verdier, 1698.
  • Samson carries the gates of Gaza out of the city. Woodcut.
  • Samson releases himself from his bonds; Delilah and the Philistines are astonished. Etching by B. Audran after F. Verdier, 1698.
  • Samson carries the gates of Gaza up to the mount of Hebron. Etching by J. Taylor after F. Verdier, 1698.
  • The head of Hercules. Drawing, c. 1792.
  • Baby Krishna tied to a mortar which is caught in between two trees resulting in their uprooting, surrounded by a decorative border. Wood engraving (?).
  • As Samson breaks his bonds, Delilah pulls back the curtain to reveal her soldiers. Engraving after J.F. Rigaud.
  • The young Samson excels on the battlefield. Etching by J.B. de Poilly after F. Verdier, 1698.
  • A mouse nibbles through a net in which a lion is caught; illustrating Aesop's fable. Etching by C. Murer after himself, c. 1600-1614.
  • Delilah cuts the sleeping Samson's hair, smiling at the Philistine soldiers waiting in the shadows. Engraving.
  • A bust of Hercules: profile. Drawing, c. 1792.
  • Delilah caresses the sleeping Samson as she sets her barber to work. Engraving by J.B. de Poilly after F. Verdier, 1698.
  • The shorn Samson is rebuffed by Delilah. Engraving by C. Simonneau after F. Verdier, 1698.
  • Samson stands over vanquished Philistines, a lion's pelt over his shoulders and his ass's jaw at his feet. Autotype after F.J. Shields, 1877.
  • The nocturnal adoration of the shepherds. Mezzotint by E. Kirkall, 1724, after P. Buonaccorsi.
  • Jacob's ladder; Moses' exhausting prayer; Elijah addressing God at a sacrifice. Mezzotint by G. Sanders, 1845, after E. Taylor.
  • Leprosy: diagnosis and investigation, muscle testing
  • Five tombs containing skeletons of historical exemplars of wisdom, war, beauty, strength and riches; an allegory of change, decay and death. Engraving after A.P. van de Venne, ca. 1655.
  • Four personified condoms with speech bubbles representing a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Faces expressing the passions and showing the muscles relation to expression, with an explanation of the art of 'pathognomy', the reading of facial expression. Etching, c. 1800.
  • Physical exercises recommended for Tuesday (recto) and Thursday (verso). Colour process print after Fougasse.