Home Events

Careers in Well-being and Mental Health

Fully booked
  • Free
  • Workshop
  • Schools
  • Relaxed
A group of young people having a discussion. One girl has her hand raised, others are looking at another girl, who is speaking.
Youth Programme event. Photo: Steven Pocock. Source: Wellcome Collection. © All rights reserved.

What you’ll do

Bring your students to a careers workshop that focuses on self-care and wellbeing hosted by the the Black Wellbeing Collective. The workshop will be of particular interest to students interested in careers in mental health and wellbeing.

Together with a wellbeing facilitator and a psychologist, they’ll spend the day unpacking self-compassion practices and learning techniques to help build confidence, self-belief, and the ability to bounce back from career challenges.

They’ll also get practical advice on budgeting, financial wellbeing and building their CV. The facilitators will draw on their own experiences as healthcare professionals, and students will be able to ask them questions about careers in mental health and wellbeing.

We will provide takeaway tools for the group to use. Including a self-care toolkit for them to use in the session and beyond. The kit includes:

  • top reads for wellbeing and career support
  • resources on the workshop themes
  • six-month top self-care and actions priority listing
  • mindful colouring.

We have developed this workshop for groups of students aged 14 to 19, studying GCSEs or post-16 qualifications at school or sixth-form college. You can bring up to 30 students, accompanied by staff at a ratio of 1:10.

Due to the small scale of our free programme, schools in the Greater London area have priority.



Need to know


We’ll be in the Studio on level 1. When you enter Wellcome Collection, head up the stairs or take the lift, then follow the signs.

School booking conditions

Your school or college can book a maximum of two study days per term. To secure your booking, you'll need to complete and return the required forms promptly.

All study days and events are free, but we charge a fee for cancellation or significant changes to your group size made within three weeks of your visit. Both policies are explained fully in the agreement we ask you to sign ahead of your visit.


This is a relaxed event, which means that if you need to, you are welcome to move around and make noise at any time.

For more information, please visit our Accessibility page. If you have any queries about accessibility, please email us at access@wellcomecollection.org or call 0 2 0. 7 6 1 1. 2 2 2 2

About your facilitators

Black and white photograph of the head and shoulders of a young black woman with long hair. She is smiling and looking directly at the camera.

Camille Lesforis


Camille is the founder of the Black Wellbeing Collective and a freelance social-justice consultant, community organiser and wellbeing facilitator in the social impact and wellbeing sector. Her career is dedicated towards improving the wellbeing of Black and racialised communities, encouraging collective care and ways of overcoming discriminatory wounding by centring on self-compassion and connection through vulnerability. Her work has featured on Kings Cross London Gifted Campaign, Samsung KX, BBC Radio and the Body Shop campaigns.

Black and white photograph of the head and shoulders of a young black woman. The woman is looking directly at the camera and smiling.

Julie Baah


Dr Julie Baah is a clinical psychologist and researcher who works in the UK National Health Service, privately and in academia. She has experience working in specialist trauma services and leads on workforce development in her current role. Her previous work included working with mental health teams on parent-infant and refugee pathways. Her research areas focus on policy and achieving racial equity within mental health.