Saliceto (Gulielmus de)

Late 15th Century
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Chirurgia: Libri II, II, V, abridged: in Italian. Miscellaneous medical receipts by various late 15th-17th century hands. Written in a semi-gothic hand, 29-32 lines to a page. Small ornamental initials in blue and red, paragraph marks in alternate blue and red: headings in red. Fol. 1 AMICO mio per che tu me pregasti che te/douesse vulgarizare alchuni capitoli in cerogia/... 1v, line 11 (red) Dela ferida de la testa. Capitulo 1degree(s).//SIATI manifesto che la persecution del capo... 15, line 15 ... La decima e manizare lo membro che/paciente./Finis el primo libro. amen. 15v, line 3 Finito el printo libro de le piage e comenzaremo como el/nome de dio el segundo tractado nel quale ce mostraro a guarire la roture... 27, line 13 ... e ali busi del naso deuo de oro ouer darzento/fati como besogna. Amen./finito el segundo libro zoe del tractato e comenza el terzo .../...//(line 20)... in questi capituli metero/la virtu de molte medxine... 38, line 2 ...e lo pano che nasce sopra la persona/e ala morfea./Finis. Deo. Gracias. Amen.//QUi apresso ce seruio alcune recepte... Item coluy el quale se lauara le mani il uulto de aqua/de malua non sera may besiato del beseyo de aua. Three of the four un-numbered leaves at the beginning contain notes of farm [?] accounts amongst which the date 1434 appears on the recto of the third leaf, though the script is mostly very faint. On the verso of this leaf, and on the fourth leaf are notes on the medicinal uses of tobacco ['pianta nicosiana'] in a late 16th century hand, extracted from a book by Georgius Melichius of Augsburg, the first edition of which was published in Venice in 1574, entitled 'Avvertimenti nelle compositioni de' medicamenti'. Ff. 41v-48 contain medical receipts in varius early 16th century hands. The last 2 leaves contain continuations of the 15th century accounts. Signature of Giocomo Varenne [?Jacues de Varenne, 1710-80], on 1. The watermark-a cardinal's hat-appears to be Briquet 3372. assigned to Bergamo 1481.


Late 15th Century

Physical description

1 volume 4 ll.+ 44 ff.+ 8ll. 4to 21 1/2 x 15 1/2 cm. Contmeporary half leather binding over thick wooden boards, wormed: clasps wanting. Badly water-stained throughout.

Acquisition note

Purchased at Sothebuy's 16/8/1917, Lot 1312.

Ownership note

Armorial book-plate of Robert W[eston] Webb. (1875- ).

Finding aids

Database description transcribed from S.A.J. Moorat, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1962-1973).


Where to find it

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    Closed stores

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Accession number

  • 39540