An Act for granting to His Majesty several rates and duties upon indentures, leases, bonds, and other deeds; and upon news papers, advertisements, and almanacks; and upon licences for retailing wine; and upon coals exported to foreign parts; and for applying, from a certain time, the sums of money arising from the surplus of the duties on licences for retailing spirituous liquors; and for raising the sum of three millions, by annuities, to be charged on the said rates, duties, and sums of money; and for making perpetual an Act made in the second year of the reign of His present Majesty, intituled, An Act for the better regulation of attornies and solicitors; and for enlarging the time for filing affidavits of the execution of contracts of clerks to attornies and solicitors; and also the time for payment of the duties omitted to be paid for the indentures and contracts of clerks and apprentices.

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About this work

Also known as

Public General Acts. 1756-1757. 30 & 31 Geo.II.c.19


[London : printed by Thomas Baskett; and by the assigns of Robert Baskett, 1757]

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[2],315-354p. ; 20.


References note

ESTC N53515



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