Medical Miscellany (Miscellanea Medica XXXIII)

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Medical Miscellany (Miscellanea Medica XXXIII). Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


Medical miscellany

Written in a semi-gothic hand in double column of 48-54 lines to a column. Large ornamental initials on fol. 1 and fol. 89 smaller on fol. 49, in gold: other capitals, paragraph marks and a few headings in red. On fol. 28 are three drawings of a clyster, the large one in ink, the two smaller in pencil.

Inserted at the front of the volume is a three page letter, written at the time of purchase, describing the contents of the manuscript.


1. ff. 1r-34v Christophori Barzizii, Introductorium

f. 1r Antonius cermisonus nostro tempore primus ex mente aboali casum in terminis sic nostro tempore more Iuris consultoris/appellat designare ... Circa ergo opus practicum sic procedendum est ... f. 34v ... sufficit pro mutacione vel imbibicione qualiter etc. Ad laudem dei Amen. Explicit Introductorium sive Janua ad opus practicum medicine compillatum per Magistrum Christoforum de barziziis de pergamo doctorem excellentissimum. Ad laudem domini nostri yhesu christi et gloriose eius matris virginis marie Amen. 1449 die Jovis 8 mensis madii hora iiia.

2. ff. 35r-45r Bernardus Pictaviensis, De prognosticatione et de crisi

f. 35r Circa artem prognosticationis 4or sunt notanda ... f. 39r Tractatus de creticis diebus. Circha secundam prognosticationem de diebus criticis 4or sunt notanda ... f. 45r ... curare non poterit. Et cum dei adiutorio ad bonum effectum evenerit cum honore et ipsi deo laus sit in eternum. amen. Tractatus Gentilis de crisi explicit quem die xvi Iunii 1449 scripsi.

ff. 45v-48r blank

3. ff. 49r-88v Anthonius Guainerius De febribus

f. 49r Tuui amoris gratia mi Antonii maglane ad hunc deveni locum ... Cum mee sit intentionis hoc in sumario ... f. 88v Et hec de ethica senectutis et eius cura sic breviter dicta sufficiunt que huic sumario finem impoint pro quo yhesu christo sint laudes semper infinite. Deo gracias amen.

4. ff. 89r-147r Nicholas Falcutius, De apostematibus et vulneribus

f. 89r Flegmon capitur duobus modis uno modo communiter pro omni inflamacione particulari ... f. 147r ... et multiplicetur sanies tunc administra cauterium aut medica mentum acutum.



Physical description

1 volume 148 ll. folio. 31 x 23 1/2 cm. Modern vellum binding. Lower margin wormed, and damaged part cut out from fol. 66 to the end.

Acquisition note

Purchased 1929.

Biographical note

Probably produced at Padua.

Finding aids

Catalogue description modified in 2014. For original description, see S.A.J. Moorat, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1962-1973).

Location of duplicates

This material has been digitised and can be freely accessed online through Wellcome Collection catalogue.

Ownership note

A former owner of this MS. has written in pencil 'Gentile de Foligno ?' in the upper margin of fol. 89, but the contents do not appear to correspond with that Physician's commentary on certain sections of the Fourth Canon of Avicenna.


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Accession number

  • 67394