Channel chart: channel starting points, Chinese woodcut

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Woodblock illustration from an edition of 1909 (1st year of the Xuantong reign period of the Qing dynasty). It shows the figure of a middle-aged man, with the Heart Envelope channel of hand jueyin, the heart channel of hand shaoyin, the kidney channel of foot shaoyin, the lung channel of hand taiyin and the stomach channel of foot yangming drawn on his body. The starting and finishing points of each channel are described in five blocks of text arranged to either side of the figure, joined by lines to the part of the body where the channel originates. It should be noted that the start and finish points of all except the kidney channel of foot shaoyin are inverted, with respect to other texts.


The Heart Envelope channel of hand jueyin starts at the zhongchong (Middle Rushing) point and finishes at the tianchi (Celestial Pool) point. The heart channel of hand shaoyin starts at the shaochong (Lesser Rushing) point and finishes at the jiquan (Bourne Spring) point. The kidney channel of foot shaoyin starts at the yongquan (Gushing Spring) point and finishes at the shufu (Conveyor Mansion) point. The lung channel of hand taiyin starts at the shaoshang (Lesser Shang) point and finishes at the zhongfu (Middle Palace) point. The stomach channel of foot yangming starts at the lidui (Sharp Opening) point and finishes at the touwei (Head's Binding) point.



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