JAV Bates. Reel 13.

No date
  • Videos

About this work


This is a roughly edited together selection of shots of a toddler boy in his nappy, seated against a cloth backdrop. We then see the same boy lying on a bed anaesthetised and naked while electrical impulses are applied to his brain to see how his limbs react. Finally we see him clothed and it is clear that he has some loss of function in his left hand and side.


UK, No date.

Physical description

1 videocassette (VHS) (4.49 min.) : silent, black and white, PAL.
1 videocassette (4.49 min.) : silent, black and white
1 DVD (4.49 min.) : silent, black and white



John A.V. Bates was born in 1918 and died in 1993. He studied at Pembroke College, Cambridge and underwent his clinical training at University College Hospital, London. In 1946 he was part of the External Scientific Staff of the Medical Research Council based at the Neurological Research Unit at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases, London, where he worked until he retired in 1978. Much of Bates' research work was in the field of neurophysiology where he coined the term 'voluntary movement.' He was the founder of the Ratio Club, a group of young physiologists, mathematicians and engineers who met to discuss cybernetics. Bates was a member of the Physiological Society from 1949, a member of the Electroencephalography Society (now the British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology), serving as President between 1976-8 and the Association of British Neurologists.

Copyright note

Not known



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    Closed stores


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    Closed stores
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