Psychology notes for course of lectures to medical students with off prints of articles and preparatory notes interleaved

Part of:
Records of Gartnavel Royal Hospital, Glasgow, Scotland
  • Archives and manuscripts
  • Online

Available online

Contains: 239 images

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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Psychology notes for course of lectures to medical students with off prints of articles and preparatory notes interleaved. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.


The original material is held at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Archives, the Mitchell Library, Glasgow.

About this work



Physical description

1 folder

Biographical note

The lecture notes are much amended and altered, presumably in updating them each year.

Location of duplicates

A digitised copy is held by Wellcome Collection.

Terms of use

Open and available at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Archives, the Mitchell Library, Glasgow.

Where to find it

Location of original

The original material is held at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Archives, the Mitchell Library, Glasgow.

Permanent link