Sales catalogue: Sotheby's

November 1926
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    Ry ,  TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION FOR MESSRS. SOTHEBY’S CATALOGUES FOR ONE SEASON.  PLAIN CATALOGUES. (To include postage). . » Pec Med Antiquities (Primitive, Egyptian, Greek, etc.)... Oe Ise6 Autograph Letters Ue Books and Manuscripts ... Vs Saas 8 Coins and Medals 0 2 6 Engravings, Etchings, Drawings and Pictures... 0 4 0 Japanese Colour Prints and Works of Art OS SO: Persian Drawings and Works of Art ... Oa1ee0 Works of Art (including Armour, China, Furniture, Glass, Jewellery, Miniatures, Silver, Textiles, etc.) ... 0 4 0 of aed Bet 8) ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES. (To include postage, and also plain copies where no Illustrated Catalogues are issued.) ee is. Antiquities (Primitive, Egyptian, Greek, etc.)... 0 5 Autograph Letters 0 5 Books and Manuscripts ... oO Joins and Medals 0 10 Engravings, Etchings, Drawings and Pictures... 1 0 Japanese Colour Prints and Works of Art Oe Persian Drawings and Works of Art ... 0 2 Werks of Art (including Armour, China, Furniture, Glass, Jewellery, Miniatures, Silver, Textiles, etc.) ... yaciae be et SB DOC OO Oo oF
    CATALOGUE VALUABLE PRINTED BOOKS & MANUSCRIPTS, Autograph Wetters and Wistorical Documents, ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS AND MINIATURES, &e. Comprising SELECTED PORTIONS OF THREE OLD LIBRARIES tarcety or EARLY ENGLISH LITERATURE, including Churchyard (T.) The Worthines of Wales, 1587 ; Crompton (R.) A Short Declaration of the Ende of Traitors, 1587; Nixon (A.) London’s Dove: 1612; Whetstone (G.) The English Myrror, 1586; R. (I.) The Worlde, or an Historicall Description, etc., 1601 ; a Collection of the Works of James I, 1604-21 ; Capgrave(J.) Nova Legenda, 1516 ; and a interesting XV Century MS. of the Brut Chronicle. A SERIES OF TEN VERY RARE EARLY YEAR BOOKS, Ghe Property of Mrs. 9. G. Hanson; LODGE (THOMAS) SCILLAES METAMOPHOSIS, 1589; The Property of Mrs. Bill, The Ashes, Hothfield, Ashford, Kent ; RARE eo tt PuLAys, including Shakespeare, Richard II, 1634, and Richard III, 1634; Rowley, The Birth of Merlin, 1662 ; etc. A PURE COPY OF THE FIRST MAINZ CICERO, 1465; ‘ A. Fine Copy of the Bible printed by Rusch at Strassburg, 1479, with other Early Bibles ; Illuminated Religious and Secular Manuscripts, etc. LoRD GLENCAIRN’S Copy oF THE KILMARNOCK Burys, 1786; ’ The Excessively Rare Stevenson Leaflet, ‘The Laureat Ste’enson to the Thamson Class,” 1885; etc. The AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, etc. include a Collection of Songs and Dances by John Dowland and others, ca. 1600, Ghe Property of Ars. M. L. Dotvland; A Fine Letter of Ludwig von Beethoven; an Interesting Series of Letters of W. H. Hudson ; The Journals of Sir Augustus Foster, Minister to the U.S.A., 1804-7 and 1810-11, The Manuscript (partly autograph) of Lope de Vega’s Play ‘‘ La desdichada Estefania,” The Property of Gerald BH. Willters, Esq., C.M.G. ; and Collections of Letters, etc. of the Rulers of France and England. Atso ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS AND MINIATURES, including a Very Fine Armenian Bible; an Important Early Ethiopic Gospels, with numerous miniatures ; And an Extensive Series of Princely and other Portraits, Subject Drawings, etc., acquired in the X VIII Century from Indian Collections, Ghe Property of Str Malcolm MarGregor of MacGregor, Bt.  WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY MESSRS. mOelem eB Yoder “COs The Rt. Hon. Sir MontaevuE Bartow, Bt., K.B.E. G. D. Hogson, M.V.O. F. W. WaARRE, O.B.E., M.O. C. G. DES GRAZ, B.A. Miss E. BarRuLow. Auctioneers of Literary Property & Works illustratibe of the Fine Arts, AT THEIR LARGE GALLERIES, 34 & 35, NEW BOND STREET, W.(1) On MONDAY, 15th of NOVEMBER, 1926, and Three following Days, AT ONE OCLOCK PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED THREE DAYS PRIOR. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. IIlustrated Catalogues (10 Plates and 7 Line Reproductions), Price 8s. Printed by J. Davy & Sons, Ltd., 8-9, Frith-street, Soho-square, London, W.1, England.