Mary Catterall, Derek Kingsley, Gilbert Lawrence, John Grainger, John Spencer, "The effects of fast neutrons on inoperable carcinoma of the stomach", Journal of the British Society of Gastroenterology - GUT, 1975, Vol 16, p 150
D Kingsley, A Gad, Mary Catterall, "Adenocarcinoma of the stomach: radiological and pathological correlations of effects of treatment with fast neutrons", Journal of the British Society of Gastroenterology - GUT, 1976, Vol 17, p 624
Mary Catterall, H Julian G Bloom, Dan V Ash, Lawrence Walsh, Alan Richardson, David Uttley, Noel F C Gowing, Paul Lewis, Barry Chaucer, "Fast Neutrons Compared with Megavoltage X-Rays in the Treatment of Patients with Supratentorial Glioblastoma: A Controlled Pilot Study", International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 1980, Vol 6, pp 261-6
Mary Catterall, "Indications for and Results of High Energy Radiation in the Pre and Postoperative Treatment of Cancer of the Rectum", Annals of Gastroenterology and Hepatalogy, 1982, Vol 18, pp 13-17
P R Blake, Mary Catterall, R D Errington, "Treatment of malighant melanoma by fast neutrons", British Journal of Surgery, 1985, Vol 72, pp 517-9
P R Blake, Mary Catterall, P A Emerson, "Short Reports: Pleural mesolothelioma treated by fast neutron therapy", Thorax, 1985, Vol 40, pp 72-3
Mary Catterall, R D Errington, D K Bewley, "Fast neutrons in the treatment of locally advanced breast cancer", European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 1987, Vol 13, pp 315-9