Mid C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Smallpox

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Mid C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Smallpox. Wellcome Collection. In copyright. Source: Wellcome Collection.

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Youke san zhong (Three Books of Paediatrics) is a mid 20th century composite edition of three classics of paediatrics: Zengbu douzhen yusui jinjing lu (The Gold And Chalcedony Mirror of Pox Diseases, Expanded Edition) by Weng Zhongren (Ming period, 1368-1644), Youke tiejing (Iron Mirror of Paediatrics) by Xia Ding (Qing period, 1644-1911), and Xiao'er tuina guangyi (Overview of Paediatric tuina Massage) by Xiong Yingxiong (Qing period). A small number of illustrations are included in a supplement.

This illustration of 'Embracing the Temples' (baobin) pox, in traditional ink and brush style, comes from The Gold And Chalcedony Mirror of Pox Diseases.

The text states: In the case of pox (dou) on the temples close to the taiyang (Greater Yang) point, if the lesions are sparse and well-defined, the outlook is good. If they are thickly clustered and merge together, this is known as 'Embracing the Temples' (baobin), and it is a symptom of wildly flourishing heat poisons. It is treated in the same way as 'Gathered on the Back' (cuan bei) pox.


Heading: Embracing the Temples (baobin)


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