Annual Reports of the Leprosy Research Unit, Uzuakoli, Eastern Nigeria

Part of:
Browne, Stanley George, CMG, OBE, MD, FRCS, FRCP, DTM (1907-1986)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Annual Reports of the Leprosy Research Unit, Uzuakoli, Eastern Nigeria. Produced by the Ministry of Health, Eastern Nigeria (Enugu).

These reports cover the last year of Dr Davey's period as superintendent (1958) at the Leprosy Research Unit to the arrival of Dr Stanley Browne 1958-1964. They show the early drug resistance of Dapsone and the trials for a new drug B663 Clofazamine in 1961. Annual Report 1961 p.2 (section f) highlights the technical problems and expense of producing the drug, a rimino-compound: a substituted Anilino-aposafranin B663. The first trial was reported in th journal Leprosy Reiew 1962. Stanley Browne saw the drug's potential in leprosy treatmentand control was instrumental in persuading Geigy, later CIBA Geigy, to continue to manufacture the drug which was difficult and expensive to produce. The drug is still used as a multidose treatment of leprosy patients world wide.



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1 file

Acquisition note

This file was acquired in June 2014 and added to the catalogue in July 2014.


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