1. f. 1r Table of Contents for the Ruffo text, extending to Chapter 15 only.
ff. 1v-2v blank.
2. ff. 3r-7r Full table of contents for the Ruffo text.
ff. 7v-8r blank
3. f. 8v Poem of 16 lines
Incipit: 'A voler che un Cauallo sia perfecto'
Explicit: 'Piccole orechie e lochi quanto un Boe'.
4. ff. 9r-56v Giordano Ruffo, Le medicine de' cavalli: in a version containing the sections on diseases and remedies only.
There are 137 chapters, and the opening chapters of the complete treatise are omitted: these contain general observations on horses, their care and hygiene, etc. The title inscribed on the spine is 'Segreti per cavalli'. Titles in Latin, with main text in Italian
Incipit: 'In hoc uolumine continentur diuerse infir/mitates accidentales Equorum vnde proueniant et remedia opportuna. Et primo de verme. Quando appare che lo petto del cauallo...'
Explicit: '..sin che limphia appearera et questo piu uolte e experimentato'.
ff. 57r-59v blank