Warning about HIV within the work place, Sweden

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A woman wearing a waistcoat smiles beside another woman who looks at her; a warning about HIV within the work place by the Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen Folkhälsoinstitutet [Swedish National Public Health Insitute. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.


Vänskap rädsla arbete och HIV ... Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen. Folkhälsoinstitutet. Vill du beställa fler affishcer (Aff 428) eller frågehãften (AD! 431), kontakta Arbetarskyddsstyrelsens publikationsservice ... Generator. Contains detatchable information sheets on HIV within the work place including contact details of related organisations. Text at bottom: Blunda. Tänk dig att någon på jobbet har HIV ... Hur skulle jab gilja bli bemött om det var jag som drabbades? [Close your eyes. Imagine that someone at work has HIV ... How would you respond if it was me?]


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