Chinese woodcut: Sores on the nape

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Woodblock illustration from Waike xinfa zhenyan zhinan (Guide to Tried and True Methods at the Heart of External Medicine), published in 1887 (13th year of the Guangxu reign period of the Qing dynasty). Illustration showing the disease location for duikou chuang, i.e. sore on the nape. Variously known as duikou chuang (sore opposite the mouth), nao ju (head abscess), duikou fa (lesion opposite the mouth) and duikou ju (abscess opposite the mouth), this is a kind of abscess with a head, or carbuncle, that occurs in the middle of the hairline at the back of the neck. It is considered generally to be caused by moist heat malignity (xie) rising to the attack, or by deficient Yin and flourishing fire allowing heat malignity (rexie) to rise up.


PICTURE TITLE: Illustration of duikou chuang (sores opposite the mouth, i.e. on the nape). OTHER LETTERING: These sores occur directly opposite the mouth at the front.


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