Wiggett, Peter

Part of:
One and Other Project
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work



Physical description

Audio file duration: 00:07:25 Format of original recording: wav 44.1 khz 16 bit MicportPro.

Copyright note

These recordings are part of the One & Other interview series that has been licensed by the Wellcome Trust for public use under Creative Commons Attribution-non commercial-Share Alike 3.00 UK. This means that anyone based in the UK can share and remix the material, as long as it is for non-commercial purposes. Credits, where given, should be to the library at Wellcome Collection, London. (c) Wellcome Trust.


Peter Wiggett comes from Sheffield. He works at Sky. On the plinth he is going to play with a giant Connect Four game and a swingball, and he has a little stereo to play music. He will also have a banner advertising Sky. He hopes to interact with the public, have conversations, play connect four and keep them entertained.


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