A multi-horned ram holding a staff and flag within a red planet with an orange glow at the centre of a starry universe; a red drawn multi-headed fire-breathing winged serpent and personified half-moon in the lower half of the image, yellow drawn knights on horseback coming to the rescue and a glowing sun in the upper half; an astronaut hovers at the right side of the planet while an angel flies at the left; one of a series of anti-AIDS posters produced by Artis entitled 'Imágenes contra el SIDA' [Images against AIDS]. Colour lithograph by Nelson Garrido, ca. 1994/5.

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Imágenes contra el SIDA. Artis. Paris - France. Nelson Garrido. A complex image incorporating a blood-like red glutinous form (in which sperm appear to swim upwards) which forms part of the back of the ram and stretches up towards the planet but the blood flow is stemmed by the angel figure; the central planet may represent the circular shape of the condom; reference to the ram (which appears to drip blood as if being sacrificed)suggests the power and strength of the male; the serpent appears to attack the back of the ram while the knights appear to come to the rescue.


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