[Report 1909] / Medical Officer of Health, Swadlincote U.D.C.

  • Swadlincote (England). Urban District Council.
    Area. The area of the District is 3,415 acres. The water area is five acres. Population. Population of the District T have estimated to the middle of the vear 1909 as being 20,342. «/ O • The principle industries of the place is in Colliery, Sanitary Pipe Works, and Potteries. House accommodation is adequate and fit. The number ol the houses is 4,047. The number of empty houses is 37. House Accomodation The open spaces are many, and the cleanliness of the surroundings are good. Supervision over the erection of new houses is in every way satisfactory, but the occupation of a new house before it is dry ought to be prevented. The water supply of the whole of the district is satisfactory. The population to the acreage is 5*95. Mirth rate The total number of births registered during the year was 572, viz., 282 males and 290 females. The birth rate for the year was 28-11, as compared with This equals a net increase during the'year of 117 males and p.)8 females.
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    Illegitimate Deaths. There were 4, viz., 2 males and 2 females. Illegitimate Births. The number was 18, viz., 13 males and 5 females. Notification of Births Act This Act was considered by your Council, but it was resolved that at present it should not be adopted.
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