Fused hearts of a two-headed foetus (dicephalus dibrachius)

  • Godart, Thomas
  • Digital Images
  • Online

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view Fused hearts of a two-headed foetus (dicephalus dibrachius)

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Fused hearts of a two-headed foetus (dicephalus dibrachius). St Bartholomew's Hospital Archives & Museum. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

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Watercolour drawing of the fused hearts of a two-headed 'monster' (dicephalus dibrachius). The left heart is normal. The right heart retains the tubular form. It consists of an auricle, which is also common to the left heart and a single ventricular cavity from which a muscular tube (bulbus aortae) passes and gives off the aorta and pulmonary artery.

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